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Sammy Hogue Contact


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Hi all, I have been lucky enough to have been given permission to dig on private land for marbles. In doing so I have got several really neat looking cullet that I heard Sammy Hogue could make into what is called reheat marbles. I would love to contact him to see if this can be done with the cullet I have. Does anyone know Sammy's contact information? Oh, yes we did get some really cool marbles. I can't believe how some of them look as nice as when they were made. We got a couple of ten gallon tubs full. I will be sortin all winter,,,,,,,,come on snow who cares now!

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I don't have his info myself, but I know somebody who does. Contact jackandsue AT themarbleman DOT com ; they're both good friends with Sammy, and should be able to hook you up.

edit by Steph: I changed the @ to AT and the . to DOT to try to avoid web crawlers getting their email adress.

Edited by Steph
changed the email address to try to avoid webcrawlers spamming it
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Your digging what?Where?,,WHAT WHAT WHAT---TELL ME TELL ME!!!!!!

Just kiddin',,,,can you post some pics of some digs?

Aint it fun?---LOL


To be honest with you, it was more than I could have ever expected. It's much like digging for gold. It was a warm day, sunny and I had my woderful wife and two close friends with me. We spent two days in the dirt and it was exciting when a marble would pop up, then to see them in the dirt oh boy. You can not imagine how much this means to have a friend who allows me to do this. You know for years I thought "whats the big deal about digging" most marbles are junk and noone wants them. Then after doing it, knowing that so many years ago these were put into the ground (dumped) and now so many years later they come to life again. I now have a collection of most of the marbles I dug. I think these mean more to me now than many of the purchased marbles. It's not the marbles that I dug though, it's knowing I have a close friend that would let me dig on his property, it's knowing I have friends that enjoy digging with me, it's knowing that my wife loves me enough to spend two days up to her knees in dirt and loving it. I am truly a blessed man.


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Glad you had fun digging.

The cullet you want made into a marble can be done fairly easy. Keep in mind that when you go to shape it up, the pattern you see on outside will get distorted a good bit. There are 2 approaches here, the first already mentioned and the second would be to get someone who polishes and just cut a sphere out of the chunk. Melting will result in a larger sphere with a distorted pattern- one that will be annealed, cutting/grinding/polishing will result in a smaller sphere with the pattern intact however, if the chunk wasnt annealed initially, you might just end up with a handful of pieces. Both methods have proved successful.

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