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Western Pa Collectors

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Are you going to the Canton show? Your pretty close to me and I would like to meet you. Your about three hours south from me. I go through that are alot going to Sistersville, WV.


New Castle Here...North of Pittsburgh.

:-) Felicia

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Nope, not going to the Canton show, unfortunately.

How often do you get down to Sistersville? I am hoping to be there for the September show. Isn't that where Mary and Jim live? They are a Fab couple...I just adore them!

:-) Felicia

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We make it to Sistersville about four times a year. We are really good friends with Jim & Mary so we go down sometimes to spend time with them and sometimes it is to find mibs. I will be at the show this September if all goes well, we have not missed a show in six years.



Nope, not going to the Canton show, unfortunately.

How often do you get down to Sistersville? I am hoping to be there for the September show. Isn't that where Mary and Jim live? They are a Fab couple...I just adore them!

:-) Felicia

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I wanted to make it down during the week but you know how things go...... :confused-smileys-327: I am going to leave early Saturday morning to be there around nine or ten. I have a couple of things to try and sell. I have a set of killer pelts going up for sale, it has four superman mibs with one being way over 3/4", also six christmas trees, one being a 3/4" miller, five K&M one large, two rebels, two golden rebels, burnt christmas tree and two johndeere with one being large and miller..... four liberties and all marbles are (MINT) I also have a 250 Akro box with mint oxblood patches and the victory bag, box and all are mint. We'll see if they sell...............


i'm at the canton show... there are some amazing finds here. are you attending?

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Im in room 112, stop in.

Did not make it down, we had a bad day. We hit high winds and snow an hour into the trip. At a rate of 10 - 30 mph we would not have arrived there until June sometime, so we returned home. It took us two hours to get home that is a normal 45 to 50 minute drive. Now SUnday it was great, clear and worm. Figures ! ! !


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