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Rescuing A Large Onionskin Lutz...before And After Pics...

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I bought a large 1-5/16" badly damaged onionskin on eBay last week, it looked beyond rescue, but with a lot of work (handpolishing with diamond pads) I was able to save it, it was impossible to take out all the deep chips, or it would go out of round. The pontils are still intact.

Here are 2 pics what it looked like before and 1 pic after I polished it. It's a really beautiful marble now!

I'm looking forward to hearing your reactions!




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Thats really a great job,please tell me how long will it take to hand-polish a marble of that size and that damage?

I think you must have strong hands to do this LOL


Thanks! This one took about 4 hours. You don't have the be strong at all, the trick is not too push too hard on the polishing pad and just let the pad do it's work.

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Thanks! This one took about 4 hours. You don't have the be strong at all, the trick is not too push too hard on the polishing pad and just let the pad do it's work.

What kind of pads ?? hand grinder ?? used water or dry ?? and how out of round?? Mike

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What kind of pads ?? hand grinder ?? used water or dry ?? and how out of round?? Mike

I use 6 different types of Swiflex diamond polishing pads and a LOT of water. With deep chips it is hard to keep the marble round, so sometimes scars remain where the chips were.

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