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Marble Alan Website


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Many years ago, when I was a newbie, I printed out every page from Marblealan.com. I have had it organized in a notebook all these years. Today, I scanned the whole notebook into three PDF files and posted them "in the cloud" because the files are too big to attach to most emails. If you would like a link to the folder, PM me with your email. I will send you a link and you will be able to access the files.

Unfortunately, the edges were in bad shape and wouldn't feed into my scanner. I had to turn the pages around and scan it in upsdie down. Once you open the file, go to the drop down menu "View" and you can rotate it twice and it will be right side up. If you are going to print the whole thing out, it won't matter if you rotate it or not.

Hope some of you are able to enjoy these files. Remember, these are for educational purposes only.


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