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Wonder What It Will Look Like Cheep And Hoping

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well I just won a marble on the bay it was in Toys & Hobbies > Vintage & Antique Toys > Other and for sure not a popeye but it was cheep and the shipping also so thinking the blue was just a strech I hope it is a brown as they are hard to find andf only have 4 . am I wishing to hard and just the common cork ?? Mike








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well I allready got way more out of this marble the more I think about it it most likley is a purple and that is why there is some ? blue a bleed comming threw the base . I looked and have one almost like it and there is a shadow of blue under the white off the purple cork ,at least this one comming is nicer if the condition is good but all I can say is I have allready enjoyed my big investment . Mike


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Nice score Mike....looks like a really cool mib....We are all anxiously waiting to see.....

well I allready got way more out of this marble the more I think about it it most likley is a purple and that is why there is some ?

PS-When Red goes "submerged" into Opalescent (Blue) based glass....It gives off a Purple coloring


Edit is in Red writing... (I meant to say Blue opalescent glass)

Edited by chucks_mibs
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Hi all well for sure I have got my moneys worth on this marble a lot of attention and even did what I do not like to do look at with a back light but that answered a lot it is a clear base glass with a very tight wrapped whispey white , and I will call it brown but even in hand I would have to put a ? behind it , but will leave it next to my bigger browns , The brown's are a few I left out of a box after I refilled it . Mike









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