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I bought a collection the other day and these bad CACs fakes were in there (I told the guy). This thread is for learning. Don't hijack it please. These are are single seam except for one which is the bottom right. You can see the torch marks in the close up pics. Look for fine bubbles at the poles, this is a dead give away especially the guinea, they streak under the surface. Now, that doesn't mean all marbles with internal bubbles are bad. The colors are wrong, while they look like cac colors, especially the yellows and orange, they are much too creamy, cac is more vibrant. Hope this helps. Craig

A few might be torched cullet after looking...






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Thanks for your effort to share and educate.

Based from your photos, I would agree that three (if not four) of the marbles shown were made from CA cullet or marble fragments.

(Top-Bottom & Left-Right): #3, #4, #6 & #7.

I would say that the Guinea (#7) was made from marble fragments.

The bubbles you can see are tell-tales that Bo was commenting about. Very prevalent in #7 & #8. Especially, those in a string (.........).

Based from the out-of-roundness, fractures, and surface condition; I would say these were done by someone very inexperienced.

Might even go as far as saying they didn't even have a kiln for annealing.

Again, many thanks!


John McCormick

"Shamrock Marbles"

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