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For No Particular Reason


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Lately I've been noticing that several of the long-running television commercials

for various attorneys have seen fit to make a point of proudly proclaiming the

amount of money they're 'recovered' for their clients.

Gee! Sounds like a lot! But what does it really mean?

In the example shown below, we're dealing with people who have been around

for twenty eight years. So if we 'average-out' their monetary figure, it comes to

about three and a half million dollars a year.

So just how many clients do you think these ambulance-chasing offspring of

unwed parents have? They and others like them have always made a point

of making themselves completely available to every member of our large population.

Why don't we say that they theoretically have one hundred clients at any given time,

even though that's ridiculous. This would mean that they're 'recovering' about

thirty-five thousand dollars per client.

And forgive my cynicism, but I think they have more clients than that.

And that their 'funds recovered' figure is 'before fees'.

So you can chop off half of the final amount, and divide it even further

if you also believe that they have more than one hundred clients.

The final result is not the sort of figure that would allow a person who has

genuinely had his life destroyed to have a comfortable retirement.

I'm not impressed. :dunno:


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I long for the good old days when they (attorneys) couldn't advertise on TV. Being it the home building industry I am acutely aware of attorneys and their scams.

In CA new home builders are required to provide a 10 warranty on many parts of a home. So at 8 or 9 years the scammers plaster the neighborhood with a flyer saying that there are a bunch of neighbors involved in a class action law suit because of defects. Well they get a bunch of folks to bite and the home builders settle for 9-12,000 each because it is cheaper than going to court. They have to start making these scammers pay all the costs if they loose their case. But juries just love giving away money that is not theirs.

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