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Time flies... selling marble collection question.

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I can't believe it is almost spring already. My big intention of spending winter selling my marbles obviously got pushed aside by other interests such as winter gardening, binge watching things like Fargo, Sinner, etc.  As spring cleaning is upon us, I was wondering IF I were to sell my marbles in lots such as this, do you think there would be interest? I have seen sales this way but not sure it is the best way - but I don't really have the time or interest to sell individually. 


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On ebay? 

I'd say not all those at once.  

But you could make any one of those compartments a lot.  

If you have all the rest of your marbles similarly color-sorted, you might learn some lessons in what colors people prefer to buy.

Or ... maybe you could present attractive lots with one-third of an orange compartment, one-third of a green compartment, and one-third of a red compartment ... for example. 

Short version:   small to medium sized lots would let you put up several attractive groups at once, which could attract a lot of buyers and competing bids.  A priority mailer would let you send one small lot or multiple combined lots to one buyer, and would give you automatic insurance on the sale.  


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