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Get some white light or even better-----sunlight on these marbles and future images.

Use the Macro setting on you camera if possible, it will keep the images sharper at close range.

A yellow background seems to work the best for me--per some advisement from a respected member here.

If you are having any dificulties getting your images right--just ask and be rewarded.

The first one appears to be an Akro Slag of the "Amber" variety.

The second looks like it could be a Master Made Marble.

I know that you try hard to get these images posted.

Practice makes perfect--you will get it---- I am sure.

Keep on trying and keep marbleing on!!

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Looks like some sorta caged catseye from one view but from another its looks more like a master. I recommend that you get you a headlamp or a small flashlight you can hold on the marble in one hand while your taking your pics and you will find that your camera will pick up loads more detail with much better quality pictures. These phone cameras draw in light like a human eye does. With more light the camera is able to capture a much better quality photograph. 

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10 hours ago, intuit said:

I know this is going to sound stupid. But what does Master made mean exactly. I know I could go spend 8 hrs figuring it out for myself, but what fun is that...

Master was a marble company like Akro, Ravenswood, etc.

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