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Everything posted by carole154

  1. Here it is backlit. carole
  2. Just did and wow. I'll see if I can get some pics tomorrow but I'm not sure how I'll do it. carole
  3. Thanks Dani and Steph. Dani, these pics are after literally running the camera battery down. I was so frustrated that I just gave up getting better ones. The marble is so much prettier in person but thanks so much for the encouragement. It made the frustation worth it. carole
  4. Last one I promise. I'm afraid I'm wearing out my welcome with pics. This one has two blow holes. Seems to be common in the subs for some reason. carole
  5. I have never been able to get a good pic of this marble-still can't. I don't understand why. The white reflection is not a chip-it's a little light reflection. carole
  6. I agree Steph. It is very helpful to see them side by side. It's hard to verbally describe the differences. carole
  7. thanks Charles. I really appreciate that. I get frustrated sometimes. carole
  8. I posted these over on LOM and thought someone might be interested here. It's hard for me to get pics that show the difference between the latte color of the cow and the tiger and wasp. This will get us started hopefully. First is the two cows I own. carole
  9. Thanks RJ. Her name was Levona. Say hi to her on the walk. She was constant motion all her life so she would love the idea of a walk. carole
  10. RJ, My aunt had this illness and died in April. Thanks for walking! carole
  11. Thanks Charles. I agree totally. carole
  12. Got these two today. First one is 21/32. The superman is 3/4. carole
  13. carole154

    Got Mica ?

    I got the two I ordered from Mike today. Thanks Mike! Isn't this the most relaxing shade of blue? Makes you wanna dive right in. carole
  14. carole154

    Got Mica ?

    I just bought two of these wonderful marbles. I love Mike's marbles. Can't beat his prices either! Thanks Mike! carole
  15. carole154

    Got Mica ?

    Any of them for sale Mike? If so I want the bottom one and the first one. Hot and cold. Awesome! carole
  16. Thanks guys. Dustin I didn't have a clue that was a hard one to find. I got those 4 for 40 bucks. I'll get some group shots of some shooter pelts I have that I like alot. carole
  17. Some pelt shooters I just got. I love the shooters. 15/16ths 7/8ths 7/8 And another 15/16 carole
  18. carole154


    Okay, found it. That's weird. Why the change? carole
  19. carole154


    Mine is all screwed up too and I don't see the skin button??????? Carole
  20. Thanks David. I would say I'll post pics when I get it but I can't beat Alan's pics. I like the name he gave it too. carole
  21. Thanks Al. Makes sense. carole
  22. I am the new owner of this one. I bid cause I liked it but it is rainbo all the way to me. Not NLR. I can' wait to see it but it'll be awhile since Alan doesn't take paypal and we have to wait for snailmail now. Bummer. carole
  23. carole154

    Caged Handmade

    Not anymore. Sorry. carole
  24. carole154

    Caged Handmade

    Unfortunately I sold that one Dustin. carole
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