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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I did not say you are one of those GUYS . I too just stated facts I've held back a long time. Your defensiveness sounds a little like you feel some guilt. As a child when I made remarks like yours, my mother would reply "If the shoe fits, wear it." Or maybe you just don't get how hurtful your comments from the past were to others who don't share your opinion. Sometimes reserving your opinion to yourself is a smarter move. I am offended by one of your last remarks. "Why nothing negative can be said without reactions seems very strange to me until I again realize that most of the reactive type comments come from folks that have invested in the New Runs." This has always in the past referred to investors being offended because we are out to make money. I will speak for myself. (And maybe for some others, I know a lot of others who don't sell their marbles.) I never went into investing in JABO's to make money. I went for the friendships SNYD spoke of. I went for the experiences I had. I went for the marbles I can keep and the marbles I can give away freely. Do you not realize how hurtful your remarks about JABO are to those who love them? Do you not realize with all of your talk about money( ex. $2 or $3 is a lot for some people) that $2 or $3 for a marble is the most some people can pay? And they pay it because they like the marbles. All of us can do without the negative, hurtful remarks - not just investors, but collectors. Your remarks about JABO are hurtful to the people who can buy a JABO but not a Peltier NLR or CAC or 3 colored Akro Agate. I apologize for the sarcastic tone of my post concerning the Alley's. I love them. I paid too much for them. I don't whine about it. I don't rant. They are what they are. Maybe I should have posted it long ago, but i don't think that would have stopped your negativity or others about JABO's. But lots of others do follow your lead. Get that? Today I don't think it will stop ever, no matter what anybody thinks. Here I am, giving you and your friends the opportunity to rant. So carry on. This is not personal. I'm just tired of the unjustified rants. You never ranted about Alley mimics.
  2. Galen, if you think the red/green and the red/purple are CAC, perhaps you've already been fooled by Alley Agates just like me.
  3. I never thought or said that anything you said in the WV post was belittling to me or an attack on me. I thought you were very supportive about my error. I am just tired of the JABO rants and I'm seeing that I'm not the only one. The WV post was beginning to be a "join up forces routine" like all those in the past when anyone dared to post JABO's. I personally think it's sick that you guys react to JABO the way you do. I thought you should see marbles from the past like "Alley Agate" that probably were intentional mimics and nobody seemed to care. SNYD, you should add Bill McCaleb to your list of good guys and while you're at it, Howard Powell too.
  4. Thank you for the positives. Maybe I've kept quiet too long.
  5. Ditto what SNYD said and thank you for your great post.
  6. All are Alley Agate, except the first one I just bought and of course it's a JABO.
  7. Beautiful little girl! I guess you have several grandchildren? I'm envious. I only have one.
  8. Well, guess what this is? Weldon bought it early on in collecting Peltiers. Other marble people ID'd it as CAC. We were confused. We'd paid $60 for it. It was a very reputable dealer we trusted. Of course, this is also an Alley Agate, probably made when they were located in Sistersville. A lot of this cullet has been found there. Ron says this one is very common. By the way there is a marble they made that looks very much like an Akro Agate marble, the one with a thin line of oxblood in it. Except the Alley Agate doesn't have the oxblood, just a thin brown line. Again, none of you are ranting about Alley Agate. Is it too late? Is it already done? Now I'm through! Rant away! And Steph you can move this to the proper place.
  9. I bought this flame from another reputable dealer. It was represented as CAC red and purple flame. I found out the truth in 2009 when Ron Shepherd ID'd it for me. It's an Alley Agate. I've never heard any rants about Alley Agate making marbles that copied more expensive ones. I paid $275 for this marble. I haven't bought any CAC since Ron identified them for me. I don't know enough about CAC to put my money on them. Some of you guys are making a lot of money with your ignorance or maybe intentional misrepresentation of Alley Agates. None of you are trying to "educate" or "warn" people or whatever it is you call your posts about JABO that I call "rants" . By the way, the red dipping into the white glass looks purple when you hold this marble in your hand unmagnified and unlit by a strong light. Hold it just a little longer while I post the last one.
  10. I bought this marble in the late 1990's. I bought it from a reputatble dealer. I don't know if he knew what it was or was misrepresenting it. I don't care. This was represented as a CAC red and green flame. I paid $300 for it. I didn't learn it was an Alley Agate until Ron Shepherd came to my house, looked at my CAC box and said "That's an Alley". Don't leap yet!
  11. I have thought for at least 2 1/2 years about this. Now I'm going to expose another marble company. You haven't proven anything because a JABO marble fooled me into buying it for a Vitro Agate. It proves I made a mistake and should have known better. Let's look at that particular marble again. The marble has a small "v" on the backside. It has a large "V" on the frontside. David McCullough did nothing intentional to make this marble look like a vitro agate. The machine it was rolled on is a Vitro Agate machine. It's a miracle that many more of them don't have this pattern. I paid $2 for the marble. I'll bet a lot of people would pay $2 for this marble, maybe $5, or $10 or more because it's got oxblood, or it's pretty, or whatever other reason people have for buying marbles. I don't feel cheated by a JABO, if it's any of your business. I remember your original premise was that people would be cheated out of hundreds of dollars by the JABO look alikes. JABO look alikes that looked like CAC or Akro. Well wait for the end of this post before you leap in here.
  12. "Side with Galen, nothing can be done, they're already out there" Please stop now before this gets turned into a raging flame off. This is a place to post the beautiful marbles I got in West Virginia. If you want to have a flame off save it for the post I'm making as soon as I finish this. The title will be "Flame Off". And please wait to post until I am finished. I will post on it that I am finished. You can rant all you want to on it and Steph can move it to the other place.
  13. Go to texasmarblecollectors.com and click on "Links", then click on "BMMC". The info is all right there. Edna
  14. The whole thing was my fault. I bought over 500 vitros in about 2 hours. I was picking them up fast. I got some great ones. So I got 2 JABO's. So what? If anyone thinks my self esteem level is so low as to think I am worthless and embarrassed because I misidentified 2 marbles, they better spin that again. One of them is a beauty no matter what it is. The other I have jars of somewhere and should have known. So what if $2 -$3 was spent on a JABO mistaken for a Vitro. As Weldon told someone many times about David McCullough –"I'm not losing a friend over any damn marble". I'm not hurting Danny Grocki over any damn $2 marble. I am purposely leaving the mistake marbles up. I am not embarrassed by making a mistake. All of us make mistakes and some of us admit it
  15. The marble on the left has a wide ribbon of aventurine, but it's green. All of these marbles are in the same family. Now the bad part is that I bought a JABO marble for a Vitro Agate. The good part is that I made you look closely at some JABO's. Sorry about that. LOL!
  16. Here are the same two marbles. Colors match, pattern does not, no clear transparent glass in the one on the left.
  17. I found 2 marbles in 3 quart jars that did have a strip of blue aventurine. Thousands of these were made. If I have 3 jars, there are many more in other people's hands. The colors match. But there is no clear in this marble. (Can you tell I'm convinced what it is?)
  18. The suspect marble is at the bottom of this friendship group. The colors match. Except there is no clear window. I went through 3 quart jars looking for more with clear windows. I also looked for more with blue aventurine.
  19. The suspect marble is at the bottom. The beautiful Friendships at the top have champagne glass that is transparent and lets us see into the marble like we can see into the suspect marble. The suspect marble has crystal clear glass. No other colors match up except the blue aventurine and the pattern is too different. Not one of these.
  20. Now to address a question - The marble with the blue aventurine. I have climbed into the closet and searched through my Tribute to Friendship marbles. I cannot find one like it. BUT remember no two marbles are alike with West Virginia swirls. I did some pics to show this.
  21. Steve Davis's silent auction marble. I bought it.
  22. Sammy Hogue green aventurine and gold - for Weldon's beloved Baylor University
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