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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Yesterday we had a small group and we looked at marbles, made purchases, and went to dinner at Louisiana Long Horn restaurant. It's Cajun food and was really good. Tonight, our group was bigger, but everybody didn't go. We went to the Salt Lick for barbecue. Greg Hoglin is here and Steve Dodson, and Benny Jones, and Tom Neel. They didn't join us for dinner. Here are the ones who did. Carroll Collier, Vice President; Edna Eaton, President; Calvin Griffith, Trustee
  2. Yes I know Mike. And the beauty of that run made everybody know that special glass was needed. they are still some of the prettiest experimentals made. Wonder if Boyce ever did anything with the glass allowed to run into the tubs, cool, and taken out? Boyce told me he was going to cut slabs of it and it would be used like art glass windows, etc.
  3. Mike, you don't have to think, you know. I think your run with the Boyce Lundstrom special glasses made everybody realize what could be done with purchased glass .
  4. David, your recent JABO's were all made with Kugler. I think they must have named the peewees "Kugler peewees" to give them a name. David McCullough has been using Kugler for the last two years.
  5. It's an expensive German glass. You buy it in color sticks (Hamon language) or rods. We used it to make our experimental runs. It's the colored ribbons in the marbles. Breaking the colored rods into pieces and putting them into the crucibles, they drop into the tank and melt and that's what makes the striping on the base glass that we call ribbons. The ribbons run all the way through the base glass, not just the outside.
  6. They are pretty. Lots of color swirled in. the kids will love them and I do too. I'm keeping a few.
  7. these are "I don't knows" David are these the ones you described and if so, did Ron tell you what run they are? They have a lot of marks on them.
  8. My point David is that I knew exactly what you meant. I was agreeing with you. Here are some pics of the freebies Ron sent. These are kugler peewees.
  9. Richard McKnight, David McCullough, Ronnie Ewers
  10. Ron has never left the head of the class. That's kind of like Jim King saying to me, "Sammy is in the light" (Sammy Hogue) meaning the sun was shining right on him. I answered "Sammy is always in the light" and Jim King knew what I meant. Sammy was in the "Son" light. (always) Sammy lives the life we are all supposed to live. And Ron is always Ron - first class, head of the class.
  11. Thank you Ron for adding more RDR's. I'll post the other marbles later.
  12. Between David McCullough and Ron Shepherd, I was given some really pretty RDR Birthday marbles. Here they are:
  13. Thanks Ron! You picked some gorgeous ones. Looks like Mr. Sprinkles was very busy.
  14. I bought some of the Ed Parson's run from Ron Shepherd and they arrived today. I don't know whether it is known by Joker 4, Parsons Run, or Apple Dumpling Gang. At any rate it's all the same marbles.
  15. sissydear


    The Randy that Al is talking about is Randy Gossett. he doesn't come to the boards anymore. I can't take credit for the anti blackie name. I have forgotten where I learned that and who we should give credit to, but I wasn't the one who came up with that name. I don't want to take credit when I didn't think it up. LOL!
  16. sissydear


    No, whities can be opaque white glass with a colored ribbon or they can be clear based with white veneered and the ribbons veneered. On both kinds the ribbons are veneered.
  17. sissydear


    These Vitro Trilites have ribbons in two colors. There is also a translucent part of the marble where you can see thready white glass with clear areas. I suspect your # 5 is a tiger eye with two white eyes and 2 colored ribbons at the equator. If you don't see the thready white and clear glass, that's what it is. And I take back the thing I said about whitie. It would be a tiger eye, not a two colored ribbon whitie.
  18. sissydear


    Tiger eyes with applied white ribbons. The expensive pretty white glass is veneered onto a clear based marble. The two colors on opposite ends are also veneered.
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