Radisson Hotel Fort Worth North Fossil Creek
2540 Meacham Blvd Ft. Worth, TX, 76106 phone # 817 625 9911
Room Rate: $89.00 per night Cut off Date 9/16/2010
Hotel Website – www.radisson.com/ftworthtx north
In room trading October 13-15, Workshop & Dinner Friday Oct 15,
Show on Saturday October 16 9:00AM -3:00 PM
Show Coordinator: Calvin Griffith, 817 281 7755
Reserve your table now for the October 16th show in Ft. Worth
Tables are $30.00 for Members and $40.00 for non members
Tables are reserved when paid: Send payment to Texas Marble Collectors, 5901 Cathy Court; Ft. Worth, TX 76148 <BR clear=all>