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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Extra color in this tigereye - a blue "V" on a lighter blue eye
  2. And a great Happy Birthday from Texas. Edna
  3. I don't recognize those colors, but Ron will see this and he'll know.
  4. Roger, I wish I'd known you were there. I 'd have driven over. Pretty marble. It's not just an accident you know. You have to know it when you see it. I sure hope you're coming to Ft Worth the 16th.
  5. Had a handmade ghost mica once. It looked like mica on the outside, but when backlighted, It had a mica ghost core
  6. Shooters - last marbles made under the Vitro Agate name
  7. I learned a long time ago that the calligraphy alleys looked like fancy writing. I don't put flames in that category. Even though they sometimes look like brush strokes to make the flames, they are still flames to me. Don't want to argue or belabor the point, but the marbles have to resemble writing for me to say calligraphy.
  8. Think about it! Glass blow pipes for marbles? No! He did find glass blow pipes but they were not used to "blow" marbles. The provenance of the blow pipes is known. Ask Ron Shepherd. It is true that this seller bought the old Alley site at auction, but he never took possession of it. Never paid for it. Federal law required extensive clean up that he was not prepared to do. So he never actually owned the site. Ron could tell you more.
  9. More blackies - last row, the strange ones named by somebody as antiblackies. I like the ones with two red eyes and two white ribbons around the middle.
  10. Aquamarines and other patches, also called elites
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