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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Here's a conqueror for you jeeperman. I wish it were mine. This marble belongs to Jim Garber and it was featured in an article about vitro marbles in the September Texas Marble Collectors, Inc. Newsletter. Jim calls it a "cloud".
  2. I like those marbles. Bo Stiff has some of them. I wish I did.
  3. I like opals very much I'm working on a third box of them. The first box is mislabeled. They are not opals. I can't delete the first box without deleting # 2 and #3.
  4. Those are pretty. Keep looking. They are out there.
  5. I'd love to have 20 more of the beachballs in frame 10 on the second row.
  6. Took a long time to find 25 of these. Bob Byard, if you're reading, Cathy Runyan-Svacina told me at Rolley Hole tournament that these are definitely Vitro - not Marble King.
  7. And these too. I've found two more of the "fancy" tigereyes since taking this picture, but I don't want to add them to the box until I find 3 more.
  8. Sorry for the hijack, jeeperman. I like 25 of these too.
  9. And it's the number of spaces in my cardboard bracelet box. I like 5 alike in a row of most marbles, 25 of some others, and maybe two boxes of 25 of another. Just depends on how much I like the marble.
  10. Ron gave me the marble and told me to go far away before i opened it. i walked back toward the Wells Inn and David and Bonnie McCullough were walking toward me. I think they knew what was in the box because David said you have a marble. I told him Ron had said to go far away and asked "Do you think I've gone far enough". They said "yes" and I opened the box. The first thing I saw was Weldon in his overalls and I started crying. Then I saw me. I never saw the writing on the back of the marble untill Julia told me what it said. That marble is treasured by me and my family. I cannot thank them enough. Ron asked them to paint it with Weldon and I on it. Howard had the idea for the marble tree and Julia had the idea for the writing. McCaleb didn't get to come. That's why the picture was taken with his picture among the rest of us.
  11. Julia's herd of horses marble. The marble has blue aventurine with the horses painted over it.
  12. This is Julia Powell's first cartoon painting on a marble. Notice that the wolf is mad and he has no marbles. The three pigs have won all of his marbles. Alphy Bard bought one of these and Howard Powell has one. I had a great time at the festival, enjoyed old friends and came away with some contemporary marbles I love.
  13. Julia Powell Lion - Julia's marbles are made by Sammy Hogue. Julia does the painting on the surface. Joseph took one look at this marble and claimed it for his.
  14. A huge 3 inch diameter Hot House Glass marble
  15. This marble was a gift from some dear friends - Ron Shepherd, Bill McCaleb, Julia and Howard Powell. This is the marble tree that stands by our driveway. Julia painted Weldon and me from old pics she found on the chat boards. She has Weldon in his typical retirement clothes, pouring marbles around the tree from a can. On the back of the marble, she painted - "To a special couple who sow seeds of knowledge, history, beauty. Always and forever, your friends."
  16. Weldon and I ordered this marble in May from Julia Powell. Julia would not let me pay for it. It was a gift to me.
  17. This one is a collaboration with Kris Parke. Kris made the marble and Tom Rink made the scope
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