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  1. good bye my friend. see ya soon.
  2. Thanks Ms. Edna for sending me the link to this one I rarely even visit any of the boards anymore. Please understand I am just relaying what I have been told. They were all gone by the time I got to Phoenix in 1987. The Lunt Avenue marble club started as one restaurant in Tucson by 5 friends, all transplanted yankees (their words, not mine) and it was so successful they came up tp Phoenix and opened the 2nd one. Then number 3 was in Mesa. A suburb of Phoenix on the East side (but you'll never know your out of Phoenix or in Mesa unless you read the signs). For number 4 they went back to Tucson and then back to Phoenix up on the North side for number 5. They were in Business for 7 years I am told. Their food was their drawing card and it was liked by all who walked through their doors. Sadly within one 4 month stretch 3 of the original investors passed away and the other 2 just could not handle the day to day so they closed the doors. I have a big 6 inch pot, (several actually), a 3 inch high one (their high ball drink glass), a 12 inch tall beer stein, an ashtray, a matchbook, an original menu, a marble and a marble bag all with the LUNT AVE MARBLE CLUB name and logo on them. If anyone has other items I would sure be interesed in at least seeing pictures of them even if they are not for sale or trade. Again, this is all hearsay. I personally never had the opportunity to darken their doorways. (Thanks again Ms. Edna) Bo
  3. Nice eye David. Yes. It is a fractal pattern (computer generated graphic) Here's a couple more I use for my wall paper from time to time...
  4. I dont know who this is, but it is quite a bit. Marbles are all in fairly good shape from the pic's. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=12986 Sheesh. nice pictures. Took a LOT of time to put this together. I emailed the seller and she says she has more !!!!! Can't wait!!!
  5. I think any one marble in these pictures will stand up well in front of ANY jabo. but what the heck, thats just my opinion. 8 color Vitro, 5 color Akro cork, who knows how many colors on the sparkler's and Sunburst's Vitro, Peltier's, Master's with 4, 5 6 or more colors. Yeah, I'll stay with the vintage. Jabo's are colorful, but they just don't do it for me like these.
  6. Can anyone say "S _ _ T eatin grin ? ROFLMAO !!!!!
  7. Ok, now I have an issue... If there were 13 recast, I have 12 pictured here, PLUS. I have 4 others that are not pictured that are different. There were 20 recast, that does NOT mean there were ONLY 20 types of marble medals out there. duh!!! Never mind, not an issue. (Some of us old guys should just shut the F9*& up every now & Then hahaha)
  8. I just went back and took out the "original" wording on all of the pictures except the VFW medal. I have tried and tried but that word keeps showing up. if it still shows original after midnight tonight, I will take all of the pictures down and start a whole new thread with new pictures. The idea here is to get as complete accurate information as we can compile.No NEGATIVE info needs to be added. GOD knows we already have plenty of misinformation. hahaha Please bear with me on the blue text showing original. It has been removed from each picture, however, it is still showing. NONE of them except the VFW should say original
  9. I did not want to lose this in the end of the other thread so I am posting it here. If an admin wants to move it, well, that is their job, but I wanted it where folks could find it very easily in the future if they wanted to. These are some from my collection I have taken side by side with originals and repro's. If I am mistaken on any of them, PLEASE, let me know and I will change the wording or picture. This is just my opinion and hopfully Scott will jump in and give us better info with the pics if he does not mind and has the time. I have taken these and saved them at a pretty high resolution so you can blow them up to see a finer detail if you want to. The background in the faces on a few of them are patternned and a repro will never be able to catch that exactness in my opinion from just a pour. Then again I have never made any so I am just guessing. Hope these help with the needed info. Bo Here we go.....
  10. Happy Birthday DD #6 hehehe It wasn't me. I didn't do it.
  11. Sorry gals, I just wont have the heart for it this year. Maybe by new Philly i'll have the heart for a marble show.LOL!!
  12. LOL!!!!! Just too damn funny. Read the title, then look @ the marbles. ROFLMAO !!!!! Rare German VIntage marbles hard to find
  13. Killer marbles and lots and lots of boxes. Going to be a long time before we see another lot like this. Right now the proces are VERY low. Might want to get your bid in soon. "Morphy's Oct. auction, marbles
  14. Happy Birthday Mr. Charles !! Hope you have a GREAT day!!
  15. Nice pic Dani (Like Ernie is gonna sit down with a camera hahaha) This is too weird. I just sorted through mine again yesterday. too weird.
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