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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. I have brought this up acouple times with the same example! Is it Vitro Aquamarines With Oxblood or milky SOMETHING... Post #1 first marble, Post #2 second marble and post #3 is the third marble. All of them and others came together in a lot of akro/vitros. Thanks Mike.
  2. That VITRO looking Peltier sold for a shit load! WOW... I have several to sell any takers. Thanks Mike.
  3. How can you touch the God of marbles! What he says is the FACT... I have seen many things and it is what it is.... We are all part of that machine. Like it alittle or alot that is what we are. Except it!
  4. Really what do you think of the possible Vitro and or Akro idea? For this marble....... Thanks Mike.
  5. Looks to have the long C.A. seams. Akro it may be. Thanks Mike
  6. That's what I thought green base with blue ribbons. What do you make of this little marble. Pictures are attached.
  7. I seen this on ebay. Are these the colors needed for a dragonfly Peltier. I think the marble is more a rainbo than a NLR as stated in the auction. Your thoughts. Thanks Mike. It's not my marble! Here's the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270429944455&_trkparms=tab%3DWatching
  8. Steph, This one of the bunch made me think akro agate at one time. Thanks Mike
  9. Joe, strong work! I know for a fact you went through some work on the camera shoots alone. That is the same camera I use minus the macro lense, because they are high dollar. My camera seems to have a mind of it's own when it comes to focusing. Great site, Thanks Mike
  10. Mine look to have oxblood. Thanks Mike
  11. Lou me to! Would like to change mine to manddrakes. Thanks Lou.
  12. Ric, Here are pictures of the two you asked for. I have been told vitro and jabo. I don't think jabo because they came in a lot of nothing but vintage marbles. Thanks Mike
  13. I'm laughing my a.. off. Great name! You would need to add a second category to fit your name in the description.
  14. Ric, That third marble is alley. I have acouple are they alley as well?
  15. My thoughts... Ocean sunset. Has a vitro feel and color. Any Vitro masters with a great name for peltier in these colors! http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-MINT-5-8-PELTIER-NLR-NO-NAME-HYBRID_W0QQitemZ170359077393QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item27aa313a11&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C293%3A2%7C294%3A50
  16. We all fall short. Friends like you are hard to find. Glass some times makes a person fight. A fight inside is ok, but I have found that leaving it innside may be the best thing. Thank you all... for your insight, and God Bless!
  17. With God all things are possible! We are keeping you in our prayers.
  18. Wonderful looking marble. I agree with you! This place should be fun and educational. Not a place to kick the hell out of each other.
  19. Here's the respond I got from the buyer of the marble when asking for seams. Seller responds: This guinea has no seams that I can see,if you do the research you will find that not all guinea are seamed and this one is of rare since it is real 15/16 real. Thankyou for your concern to this marble.
  20. I feel the marble has been polished and or a really well done new handmade. Your thoughts? here's the link. Note: sellers feedback has a buyer saying polished with no pontil...... Would say one unhappy buyer there! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300290495264
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