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Mr Dorkmo

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  1. Mr Dorkmo

    A few pelts

    Chris I think you mean the one in the upper right. These are all from the digs in Ottawa.................given to me by marble buddies Steve
  2. Mr Dorkmo

    A few pelts

    Nice Rainbo's everyone..........BJ that Green/Black/White is the BOMB! Here are some of mine Steve
  3. Hi Chuck Yes it does and the one above it as well. Thanks Steve
  4. here's some Peerless I like Steve
  5. They are Peltier peewee's............not impossible to find...........I've heard some Midwest collectors refer to them as Wolverines named after the Maze and Blue worn by the U of Michigan.........They are my fav Peltier peewee.......... Steve
  6. Terry That looks to be a comtemp Peltier knock off...........If I were you I would report the seller to the authorities and send it directly to ME for further inspection..........post haste..........it doesn't deserve a spot in your keeper box!!!!!! BTW What Sami said............ Steve
  7. Sami This is indeed the worst news. I first met Norm at the same show that I met you years ago in Milbrae. I took Michele along for a mini vacation in Frisco and to introduce her to the marble world. Norm wandered into our room and we immediately struck up a conversation. He spent the better part of the day in there with us and Michele was completely captivated by his straight forward wit and charm. We have been friends ever since. I'll never forget the look on her face when Steve Perch came in and within 15 minutes he and Norm had sealed a deal on a huge Oxblood shooter for 600.00 bucks...........when the money and marble changed hands I thought her jaw was going to break from the fall to the floor. She and I were just talking about it the other day. She asked if I had talked to Norm recently. I told her nope but I owed him a phone call and would try to call him this past weekend. Well I got busy with work around here and the kids and never made the call............. Sami remember we just spoke in the hall at Vegas about Norms deteriorating condition............sometimes even when you know the end is near it doesn't help lessen the blow. I know how close you and Norm were and my heart goes out to you...............believe me when I say I feel your emotion. The world has lost a completely wonderful and honest person in Norm Brown. We have lost a true friend. I miss him already. Peace be with you STORMIN NORMIN Steve
  8. Smitty I got mine from my ole buddy Stormin (Norman) Brown 2 years ago out here on the left coast........he had at least 8 sets I think, maybe more...........I'm not sure if he got in on the orginal buy from the folks in NJ or got them from you but whatever I'm glad he did...........I know he had a few complete sets left in Vegas this year............if anyone is interested I can hook them up............. Ps I was never quite sure the K&M was a fit with the rest of the examples but if they were all found together I guess they are......... Thanks for the info Steve
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