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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. That seems to be an uncommon color and I was wondering if anyone made pink ones and why there aren't more. Thanx bunches :-) Felicia
  2. Awesome Steph and jfor! Absolutely purple-icious! Thanx for showing them. :-) Felicia
  3. I've seen that mentioned before too, Bob, but I don't remember much about it.
  4. Some I didn't get to during my son's 'whirlwind, zip through the house' thing last week. :-) Felicia
  5. Nothing plain or ordinary about them Darla...they're purple and beautiful! At least to me. :-) Felicia
  6. Thank you mibstified...those are neat looking! Is that bubbles in them? :-) Felicia
  7. Here's the beautiful Mike Barton that Carole sent to me:
  8. It's great to wake up in the morning, come here and see these purple beauties...starts the day off quite cheerfully. I'llhavethat1, Winnie and Bill, thanx for posting more, they look great! That octopus is cute. :-) Felicia
  9. Wonderful Sue, you'll havta keep me updated on your office. Can't wait to see the finished product (so to speak). Awwwww dagnabbit! Just when I feel like I'm in the 'cross-over' section of viewing and admiring the Contemporaries, lots of the folks don't make'em. Thanx Sue for that info...maybe I can just look up their names and see what's hanging around the internet. :-) Felicia
  10. Oohhhhhh..Micas. They still make'em then...kewl! Gorgeous room so far Sue. Is that a hand-painted border? You gonna make the curtains?
  11. Thank you Alan. Two lovely colors together but ummm, admittingly, I don't know the marble itself...what is it? Got an odd, speckly thing going on there. :-) Felicia
  12. Looking forward to seeing them Bo. I Cannot forget the gorgeous Mike Barton that Carole sent to me, but no picture I could take would do its beauty any justice. :-) Felicia
  13. Absolutely gorgeous bo! Slags are nifty, it's one of my fave's. Thank you. :-) Felicia
  14. Hey Bill! Welcome in...awesome marble...Thank you for sharing. Hope we see ya some more. By the way, you did great for being away for 5 years. :-) Felicia
  15. Some more: And a little something different, but roundish and glass:
  16. My son came by yesterday (almost in a whirlwind manner). I asked him to take pics, he handed me his camera phone, said to push this button then that one and obviously, I totally suck at this picture taking thing..lol Here ya go: My dream marbles come true times 2
  17. Plum Citrus, that's a new one for me..very kewl! Alan, my eyes keep stopping at the Bill Murray, it has a 'vibe' about it. Sue, I look forward to seeing your purples and WOW! those are awesome. I just know they'll get snatched up quickly. Would like to have'em all! lol It would be kewl to see James Alloway posting some recent stuff on GA...the artists there seem fun and are just so talented. I've only been there maybe 2 weeks and have seen some amazing marbles. :-) Felicia
  18. OOOoooOOO...too kewl everyone! Purple goes well with so many other colors as all these pics have shown. Thank you mibstified, marble_intimidator and Alan for showing those beauties. :-) Felicia
  19. Absolutely awesome Winnie, James, Dani, Al and Alan. So much variety and interesting looks on these marbles! I am sooooooo totally enjoying these. Great collage Dani! I don't know what they all are by makers but at this point, being in purple paradise, it's ok...lol Joe, thank you so much for that link. I looked at it while I was at the library and Wow! You've got a lot of nifty looking ones. :-) Felicia
  20. Joe, too kewl! Post a link to yer ebay so's folks can bid on those beauties. I know I would if I could. The last one, with the purple, red and yellow has a lava lamp flow to it...very kewl. Tim, on my screen it sorta looks like a wine color. Both fabulous marbles! Dani, Wow, that's a long time and still more? I am so looking forward to seeing the purples. Did ya notice we get to see more contemps doing this? Great learning experience. Thanx all...hope to see more. :-) Felicia
  21. Awesome Dani! That Mark Matthews stands out. I keep going back to Carole's 2nd marble. Contemps rock! Joe! Did you make those gorgeous purples? Yummy! Keep'em coming folks...
  22. Fantastic Steve! Thanx so much! Definitely kewl purples so far. :-) Felicia
  23. That's about the 2nd or 3rd time I have seen the name James Alloway. He sure made some beauties. Is he on the GA board? Just starting to learn who some of them are at GA and love seeing their amazing work.
  24. I'll get some up when my son comes back around and gets some pictures taken for me, Darla. (hopefully one day this week) I think I will need an apron for all the drooling. It's all purple-licious! Awesome marbles Carole...contemps? Love all those shades of purple Road Dog. Thanx!
  25. Ok, continuing Bob's color schemes for each month, I choose Purple. I saw noone placed a color of the month yet, naturally I chose my favourite color. Let's see those beauties! :-) Felicia
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