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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. It's one of those WOW looking marbles fer sure Carole, colorful and sparkly. Thanx for sharing :-) Felicia
  2. Could ya get a picture of the patch on this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&indexURL=1 Could this be the end of a run, something along the line of a bumble-scout? Thanx :-) Felicia
  3. Kewl! Thanx a bunch Steph! :-) Felicia
  4. I don't have books and rely on the posts here and the info provided in Steph's Study Hall (which has been a great learning source for several years). Anywho, something flipped a switch and I was wondering...How do you tell the difference between a modern Marble King patch and patch (as opposed to their vintage patch and ribbon style) from a Vitro All-red? I read somewhere that the All-reds had one red patch and the other could be any color. What if both patches were red though? Thanx for any insight you can provide. :-) Felicia
  5. hee hee...nonedible...Still a yummy looking marble. :-) Felicia
  6. Pretty purple one, bet you had fun digging too. :-) Felicia
  7. Kewl stuff Janice n BJ. They would, Alan? :-) Felicia
  8. As always..WOW! Awesome work Kevin! :-) Felicia
  9. That's neat Carole...bet it looks awesomely colorful when the sun shines through it. Thank you for sharing :-) Felicia
  10. Hi back..that's cute. Your new nephew is adorable. Blessings to Noah and the family. :-) Felicia
  11. My thought is: Oohhhhhh kewl! A Candy marble! I like seeing those. :-) Felicia
  12. Also some info on repro's and fakes: http://www.codds-n-odds.co.uk/fake.html
  13. Hope this helps: http://www.go-star.com/antiquing/codd.htm http://www.antiquebottles.com/classify.html :-) Felicia
  14. As far as I can tell, yes. You can probably see it after they have gathered the info and posted it here: http://www.morphyauctions.com/auction-results.html :-) Felicia
  15. OooOO, pink and lavendar...pretty! Thank you Bob, it is great to learn about these things and see what they are, as well. :-) Felicia
  16. Wow! Awesome marbles folks! My son's fave color is green. Here's ours: He says this one reminds him of the check mark on Nike and Newports: :-) Felicia
  17. More pics..kewl! Is that black in the 5/8ths? What's champagne glass?
  18. Kewl. I'm with Sue, good to see that Weldon is well enough to make the journey..and Gary too! Bet this is a treat for one and all. No doubt MMM (Joe) is having fun since he makes his by hand. Great stuff Edna! Thank you for sharing. :-) Felicia
  19. Here's what I have found so far (I hope I have the URL's correct): http://www.bonanzle.com http://www.ioffer.com http://www.tias.com http://www.shopgoodwill.com http://www.rubylane.com http://www.cyberattic.com http://www.goantiques.com http://www.trocadero.com (which has just a handful to offer but has a lot of Akro-ware) Then there's a place called Sedona Antiques http://www.e-profession.com/ Besides the Buy, Sell, Trade Section and the new site MibAuctions, can anyone else think of other places? I can't buy marbles but it's good to know there are alternatives to ebay that don't 'seem' to show so many restrictions to sellers and buyers. :-) Felicia
  20. Thank you Lou. It's tedious though and I realize it isn't marble-related but I hope some day to create a musical marble-go-round of some fashion. :-) Felicia
  21. This is incomplete, it needs a steeple and I have worked off and on with it for several months. My husband drew out the basics of the parts and I refined it to match with the plastic canvas. Each window, walls, the door, bell tower, roof, etc., done separately..there are thousands of little stitches in this church. Thanx for looking :-) Felicia
  22. How cuuuuuute! They are beautiful! Good luck with your auction. :-) Felicia
  23. Thought this was kewl: http://www.tias.com/11597/PictPage/3923182535.html :-) Felicia
  24. Try here: http://www.bonanzle.com/items/search?item_...by%5D=relevancy :-) Felicia
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