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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Prayers are sent your way, for healing and good news, for He is the Great Physician. :-) Felicia
  2. My condolences to you and your family. Your mom sounds like she was a very wise woman and I am sure she passed along that wisdom through you. You'll always have the good memories and in time, the pains from this loss will subside. People may pass away but the love never does. My prayers are with you. :-) Felicia
  3. Bubba, Bo, Dan, Bob and Alan...Fantastic Marbles guys! Thanx! Here's the 2 I have, luckily my son came over today: Last day is tomorrow folks. :-) Felicia
  4. Amazing! Intense! Kewl! Thanx Sue, Dan and Alan. Looks like there's quite a bit more out there with black than I thought. Even Contemporaries! :-) Felicia
  5. Happy (belated) Birthday Jeff and Roger! Hope you fellas had a great day! Take care and be blessed. :-) Felicia
  6. Wow! Even more beautiful black marbles! They sure are eye-catchers. Thanks everyone for posting. :-) Felicia
  7. That's a great looking marble jtay. Oxblood is one of the fun kinds to find. Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  8. Awwwww Sue...maybe you have it somewhere.
  9. Wow! Those are all fantastic folks! Hopefully there will be more of these beauties to see. Thanx :-) Felicia
  10. Hi and Welcome in oldmarblenut. Thanx for the information and hey, as far as I know, there isn't a "Color of the Month" yet. So maybe we can make it black? hmmm It would be kewl to see something with that black aventurine. That would be neat if folks would show some pics. :-) Felicia
  11. Hi Folks, Hope everyone is tolerating this frigid weather. Anywho, I was wondering about the color black in marbles. I know the Akro Indian blanket has it, I think I had seen some Peltiers with black, zebra? What other ones are there? Is it a hard color to make? Is there something special they use for the black? In my mind's eye, I can see a beautiful black-based marble with pastel purple and pink in a corkscrew fashion. Then, I thought there are so many other color combinations that would look great on a black base...light green and light yellow, baby blue and peach, red and white etc. Just a curious mind on a cold winter's day. Thanx :-) Felicia
  12. Hi Gary, hope you are well. Nifty idea. I, for one, know how difficult the times are and it's not any fun, that's for sure. I remember seeing really long lines during the holidays at the Salvation Army here. After the fact, I found out more and I was 'a day late and a dollar short', so to speak. We keep our only luxury for now, the web, to stay in contact with family and friends. I'd really not like to let it go but ya do what you gotta do. Just the other day, I got food stamps and I was flying high, it was a good feeling to know that I can get food. Peanut butter and potatoes are fine but day after day, it gets dull. Nonetheless, I am thankful to the Lord for what I have because I do know there are so many others out there with even less. We should pray for our country and its people, for better times and prosperity. There are many noble and good-hearted people in the marble community and your idea could be the start of something grand. :-) Felicia
  13. Wow! This is a really kewl read! Hey look, Joe's name is there too! He's got great remelts. Thanx for sharing this. :-) Felicia
  14. Thanx so much Al and Ron for that information. It definitely is helpful. :-) Felicia
  15. Here's my biggest cat's eye: :-) Felicia
  16. Wow! That's really kewl Bob! You sure can see the colors of the vanes better, that's for sure. Thanx so much! :-) Felicia
  17. Very kewl! What does Adze mean? :-) Felicia
  18. Too cute! You really should write their story/stories down and make some children's books. (G-rated and slightly extended version) You're extremely creative. Who knows, maybe kids will get into buying marbles more because of your stories. Congrats to the Alien marble and family, does this mean he doesn't need a green card now? :-) Felicia
  19. Hi and Welcome in Flozeh's! I know what you mean, I'm still learning but it sure is fun and there's lots of nice and helpful folks here. They've sure taught me a lot. Just take your time, one marble at a time. You'll do just fine. :-) Felicia
  20. Thank you Winnie and Howard. You know, when you go looking at yer marbles, ya kinda wonder some things at different times and I had wondered about one that is bigger than others that I have. On a yardstick, it looks like it's close to 1 and 1/4. :-) Felicia
  21. What's the biggest known cat's eye? Is over an inch considered really big? Are there a lot of them out there? Thanx :-) Felicia
  22. They are 5-6 vane cat's that I think are Vitro. Thanks for any info you can provide. :-) Felicia
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