Hi Gary, hope you are well.
Nifty idea. I, for one, know how difficult the times are and it's not any fun, that's for sure.
I remember seeing really long lines during the holidays at the Salvation Army here. After the fact, I found out more and I was 'a day late and a dollar short', so to speak.
We keep our only luxury for now, the web, to stay in contact with family and friends. I'd really not like to let it go but ya do what you gotta do.
Just the other day, I got food stamps and I was flying high, it was a good feeling to know that I can get food. Peanut butter and potatoes are fine but day after day, it gets dull. Nonetheless, I am thankful to the Lord for what I have because I do know there are so many others out there with even less.
We should pray for our country and its people, for better times and prosperity.
There are many noble and good-hearted people in the marble community and your idea could be the start of something grand.
:-) Felicia