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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. This all sounds so very exciting and I surely am looking forward to seeing the outcome posted. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  2. I'm with these guys..top right..is NOT! LOL Kewl game..this was fun. Thanx. :-) Felicia
  3. Absolutely gorgeous..always enjoy seeing marbles. Thank you Carole. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  4. Very pretty Carole..that blue is outstanding! Thank you for sharing. :-) Felicia
  5. Here's the link to David Chamberlain's article: http://marblemental.yuku.com/topic/1137/t/...n-a-Series.html
  6. Shucks Steve..I don't know about being great...I just know what I've learned and what I feel and think. I think the books are a great read and a wonderful learning tool for the marble community. To me, it's like learning more about 'the big picture'...there's a lot involved and I think once it's understood, there's an even greater appreciation when looking at marbles. I think every artist puts in a bit of him/herself into their work and I think Mr McCullough has shown that in his work. He's creative and innovative, willing to create more beauty in something so very small. I may never meet him or see him at work and in action but I now know more about him and understand his creativity and passion for beautiful marbles. Again, Thank you Steve, for making this become more 'real' for those of us who are on the sidelines. Be well, be safe, be blessed. :-) Felicia
  7. LOL Steph...Little Nova has a lonnnnnng wait out there too. Gary, these are the closest I have to looking like a 'celestial haze' Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  8. Who ya gonna call? (LOL) Very kewl Gary Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  9. Eta carinae - is a super massive star (about 100 times the mass of our sun) that is ready to explode as a super nova (ready being in the next 10,000 years). The star is dumping gas and dust to try and maintain gravitational and thermo nuclear balance. Some day gravity will win when this star goes super nova and a stellar mass black hole will likely form; potentially robbing us of the spectacular dust and gas show. (information given to me by an astronomy enthusiast) Little Nova (lower right) is patiently awaiting the event. http://community.webtv.net/MrsMopar60/EtaCarinaeandNova/ :-) Felicia
  10. It's a great book to read, and like Ron, I had difficulty putting it down. Not only are Steve's books informational, they include graphs, dates, people involved and photos. Perhaps it's just me but there is a sense of camaraderie when you read about the people involved in this 'living history'. They aren't just marbles, they're the work of special people, who have a love of this art form and and these people have also set their places in marble history. I thank Steve for this opportunity to gain knowledge by his time and the effort he has spent to be the historian. We are fortunate to have this to pass along to the generations to come. Have a great weekend everyone! :-) Felicia
  11. Shucks (blushing) Thanx. :-) Felicia Have a great day!
  12. CLAMJUMP has a simple life, bringing many joys. CLAMJUMP liked to come and play, with little girls and boys. CLAMJUMP is both new and old, Sometimes subtle, somtimes bold. It doesn't matter who you are, CLAMJUMP comes from near and far. There's much to learn when CLAMJUMP knocks. Mine live in peace, together in a box. C-ontemporary L-atticinio A-kro M-aster J-abo U-nknowns M-arble King P-elt :-) Felicia
  13. Steph, I had thought about Joe but if I did that, I would lose the only examples of something that I have here. Doubtful I would be using a slingshot ..lol Leroy, I'd hope that someone may have already found your marbles and are enjoying them to this day...if not, there's a treasure hunt in the making, just like Okie is doing now...finding marbles from the past. I'll figure it out some day. Thanx everyone for your thoughts and ideas on this subject. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  14. They're gorgeous! Thank you for showing them. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  15. Awwww..they're adorable! :-) Felicia
  16. Giggling at slingshot bj..lol That looks kewl Dutch!, kinda has a wrinkled affect to it. Leroy, I totally understand. I have maybe a dozen or so that I thought 'what do I do with these?' Some would be quite nice if you can get past the cracks and dings. I could probably fit all my marbles in a shoe box, so what I do have, I enjoy...even dinged. Good point too...where ARE all those marbles that were made? Thanx bunches guys :-) Felicia
  17. With chipped, cracked, messed up marbles that you get in lots? Just curious (and bored on a nasty rainy day). Thanx and have a wonderful day! :-) Felicia
  18. Very kewl Rhonda and Splattman! Thanx so much for sharing. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  19. That's a good idea zigafoose. My husband and I have chatted with people on starchat. They have pirch and mIRC for pc users. There are other services as well...some use a java-based script, which I know I am not able to use with webtv.
  20. We are fortunate. Information is being written and documented regularly and the enthusiasm for marbles is strong. If it had been this way 50-100 years ago, there would be much less questionables and more enjoyment. I, for one, salute the folks at Jabo for trying its best to keep the marble-making spirit alive in this age of technology. They can have a gazillion runs and that's kewl because the future generations will have that much more to enjoy and with books and such being written, it'll be all the better for them. I would think it an honor and a privilege to just watch these runs. How many companies still let people come and be a part of such an event these days? It's kinda neat, in an old-fashioned sort of way. It's an art form being kept alive for generations to come. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  21. Awwww I don't see any pictures. And I so enjoy seeing purples and that elusive pink marble. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  22. That's pretty Carole...I like the flowery part of it. Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  23. Neat idea Okie but none of my window sills are capable of holding a fish bowl...thin sills. Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  24. I also think that beauty is in the eye of the marble holder. Have a blessed day all! :-) Felicia
  25. I can see if there is anything in the library that makes mention of it. Maybe they have old papers or something on file there or in a book.
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