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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Happy Mother's day to Moms n Grandma's! Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  2. Check the Archives Okie, 2nd page...scroll a ways down and you'll see a discussion. :-) Felicia
  3. Looks like you and your son had a fantastic time! I'd probably hyperventilate with so many marbles around...lol Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  4. Here ya go ziggyzora (it's actually more of a tangerine color behind the pink):
  5. This one is really kewl..the red is UNDER the green..these marbles are soooo fun! I hope you were able to get some today ziggyzora. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  6. It is very pretty ziggyzora. I've been wanting one with pink for a while. Oh, That would be fantastic if duffy has one there. You will see just how much better it looks than by a picture. The kewl thing I have noticed about some of these, it's like you have this color/design on the surface and then it dives into the center and comes out the other side..awesome effect! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  7. Hey Gatherer..how ya doing? Find any more kewl marbles? Those last ones were fabulous. :-) Felicia
  8. Those are fabulous Burt, just look at the rich, deep colors! I seriously think these tank/wash out marbles are fabulous! They just have that 'specialness' about them. I got purple AND pink..woo hooo...I love'em all! :-) Felicia
  9. Kewl marble! Great info on yer site..thanx! :-) Felicia
  10. Fantastic Bo..the shading really makes it stand out! :-) Felicia
  11. My first ones! Even better up close and in-hand! Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  12. Wow! You made these from marbles, etc? Very kewl! :-) Felicia
  13. I have been pondering these oxblood discussions for some days. These are just some thoughts that came to mind. Realizing that no matter where you go on earth, if the word 'blood' is mentioned, people would automatically think along the lines of a reddish color. Mind you, I've never seen the blood of an ox but since it is a mammal, I would say it runs along the same color line as humans. Now, stepping outside of the box, outside of the human realm, thinking about other things, it came to mind that the folks at Jabo looked beyond just one color, trying to keep with the characteristics of the oxblood of old but created various colors beyond red. Perhaps the word blood doesn't belong with these new examples, perhaps it could be something like Jabox or Jabonite, you get the idea, but that is not for me to say as I did not create any of these glasses/glass-forms. I have been reading the encyclopedia and other books about glass-making and the different and innovative ways each area (old timey, European etc) made glass. Many ideas were forged through experimenting with glasses, glazes, colors and the like...pressed glass, leaded crystal and more. I think the folks at Jabo are following in the line of these experiments to bring more beauty and creativity into the glass they produce. Well, these are just my thoughts and since I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, I'll more likely go back to pondering and enjoy looking at pretty marbles. Have a blessed day everyone! :-) Felicia
  14. I was thinking, maybe they're so kewl looking because noone fusses about how they come out, the marbles just kinda 'go with the flow' so to speak. They're great! :-) Felicia
  15. Kewl! I Like'em! Where these from more digging? :-) Felicia
  16. Fantastic! Have you checked out the cat's eye threads at Marble Mental? Lotsa really kewl ones displayed. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  17. Here's a cute lil fella: A Cork: And some bees buzzing around: :-) Felicia
  18. This is too kewl! Y'all gotta go check it out: http://marblemental.yuku.com/topic/1521 :-) Felicia
  19. Well, I just learned something, you made collector's sets...that's so kewl! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  20. Great marbles everyone! Those flowers are gorgeous! Yes, the vibrant beauty of Spring, the sweet aroma in the air... Thanx folks..have a great day! :-) Felicia
  21. Oh no...thank you Okie for taking the time to show your beautiful marbles. I enjoy seeing what folks have found/acquired. I can't buy any but I'm sure happy for folks who can and that they enjoy them. They're all good...old, new and everything in between. By no means do I have a big collection, they'd probably fit into a shoe box. Even a handful of marbles are fun. In regular lamp light, sunlight, sometimes even blacklight, shows something fascinating about that handful. My favourites, well, that would start off with purples since that's my favourite color...then, as far as colors go... black, red, blue, pastels, etc. Here's a group of my faves: Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  22. Fantastic, so far, everyone...sure cheers a person up. Thank you! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  23. Hey Okie, I don't know about the selling thing but I do know what I would keep...which would be the lutz, the popeyes, that light blue one and the red one next to it, anything that would be a good example of something. Also, that last picture, there's one in the box that has a yellow ribbon, a blue one and white on the end (it's almost in the center of the box), it looks interesting. Oh and those that look like 3 different red/white corks..and..and..lol So many pretties! Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  24. Let's see those bright and beautiful yellows! :-) Felicia
  25. I've been reading about the old glassmakers and potters and they experimented to find new looks, trying to be the 'leader' in the marketplace, perhaps this was an experiment? Very kewl. :-) Felicia
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