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  1. I had my doubts about this one Ebay item 261023527886 (sorry can't seem to link here) But at a high bid of £365 hope I am wrong.
  2. Nice marbles, could they be related to the German/Euro sparklers, glass and color looks right. I can't view your post #6 but here's a semi-trans 'imperial' not nearly as nice!
  3. Nice ones! I have a couple of the blue white on the left but have never seen the blue yellow. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Good topic Jeroen. Only reason I have not contributed before is because I have not found any that big, guess the same goes for most. Good luck on your jumbo onionskin mission!
  5. Would anyone be able to do a side by side pic of these 2 types? They could easily be confused by anyone like me, who doesn't have both. a HTF Peltier one ebay item 221053225025 a few hurricanes
  6. #6 is an excellent example of side by side pics of 2 different marbles which could easily be confused by collectors
  7. Colors, design and glass look spot on for an old one, also, particularly in pic 3 can see the glass surface marks as you would expect to see.
  8. German striped transparent sounds good to me. Slag glass was around before the term was used for marbles, to me it makes sense that the slag marbles should resemble slag glass These 3 pics would call striped transparent and this one German slags All of them pre WW2
  9. Nice alternating latticinio! Yes that looks like a "gapey pontil mark", not a marble term, just an expression used for the open ones (can be ground, polished or even faceted), a clear pic of the surface always helps tell if original. From recent posts would say window pontil is the correct term for the gapey ones.
  10. Maybe against popular opinion, I believe many of the old German hand mades have gapey pontil marks done at, or soon after the time of making. This one is 1 5/8ths Pics 1 and 2 with flash, pics 3 and 4 in daylight showing pontils and surface wear, pic 5 further surface wear.
  11. #15 rare left twist and seller didn't mention it! go on, you got a good buy, is condition that bad?
  12. The last time I commented here on a marble listed by this seller it was suggested he should be given some slack.
  13. Pics 2 and 5 show one pontil and pic 4 shows the other. In my experience the larger ones do come with gapey pontils but nothing to suggest this was done later than when they were made. Camera flash can lose the detail a good close up pic in natural light might have retained.
  14. I also see a pic of each pole. My understanding from the description and pics is that they are selling an original condition marble, with original 'polished pontil' marks, but from here the pics are not clear enough to accurately assess the marble.
  15. Point taken, good advice thanks.
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