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Everything posted by glangley

  1. Definately a neat find! Kudo's to you! A beautiful addition, very very nice!
  2. Just was reading abit about these earlier. As far as I can tell in this one book, they were red clear ones but also made some that were on an opaque base, maybe white??. But just reading a few posts down I guess there were a slew of other colors too. Someone with more info could probably tell you exactly what size they were which may also help you id them, unless they were multiple sizes in which case? lol Sorry, I am still learning
  3. Wow! Edna you did a fantastic job it's wonderful! God Bless you, your sister and Weldon! How beautiful!
  4. Postively Beautiful! God Bless, Gary Langley Michigan
  5. Just my two cents, if it's Arizona it's nice and warm. What about a camp ground? My physical condition isn't good to sleep on the ground but a nice cot and my med's and Im all set! I wonder how nice the mibs would look around a campfire? God Bless, Gary Langley Michigan
  6. Here is some I took pic's of today.
  7. Just read this and remembered your post. Which is a monumental task that I even remembered! lol Bogard Marbles, C.E. Bogard & Sons, The Bogard Co. Produced in Cairo, Nutter Farm Road, and Reno Ohio. On Page 48 of the American Machine Made Marbles book. Says they made a limited amount of Pink transparents, but it was hard to perfect the color and didn't sell great. Says they got the glass from Federal Glass Co. Very cool, eh? Opps, my Michigan is showing! haha Gary
  8. [quote name='MrsMopar' date='Sep 25 2008, 06:21 AM' post='78519'] Sounds really neat Gary. You'll havta show that sometime. :-) Felicia Ok, here is the best I could do. The picture with the black light doesn't do it justice though. It came out looking more orange but to my eyes, it's hot pink! lol Maybe that's just my skewed view of reality! haha
  9. I have a jar full of brownish? cleary's that when you light them up with a black light they look neon pink. lol But, I have yet to learn where, or who made them. All in good time. God Bless Gary Langley Michigan
  10. Kinda neat. Being a disabled vet myself, I am always partcial to the Liberty pattern swirls. God Bless America!
  11. Wow, IMO you have brought them back to perfection! AWESOME! I would like to learn how to do this, even by hand is ok as both of my hands work, just not at the shoulder. And being disabled now after working my entire life, I am finding I have a lot of spare time on my hands.
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