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Everything posted by Okiemarble

  1. I'd like to help you out but im affraid i'd be wrong...... but could it be alley? does it have any swirls in the white base? close http://cgi.ebay.com/ALLEY-1-SWIRL-3_W0QQitemZ330357766249QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101
  2. is obssed with marbles!

  3. Now it make since!! Since I can't find one anywhere!!! SO WHAT IS IT!!!! lol
  4. Does anyone have any lemon lime scout pictures To look at????
  5. Thanks for the response, There isn't a green patch on the red and green. If there was what would it have been? Also which ones are akro's so I can remove the stinkers!!!
  6. Oh yeah, and also to me Steph that green one looks kind of like an Ade..... just a thought
  7. It has a look of oxblood, but I think it looks to soft. What would you have thought it was Steph? What does it look like compared to like a sparkler?
  8. Does anyone have a weird marble like this????? I think I should plant it and see what it grows.....
  9. O yay, and I also have a hard time with the Alleys and Ravenswood. How many companies have a flame marble? And what is the best way to tell Christensen slag from other slags?
  10. Edna that would be the funnest thing EVER!!! but it's kinga far for me with 4 kids lol. Wow would it be cool to have a marble show in my little town of 1200 lol. One day Edna I will go!!! Promise! Felicia, I am like you I love marble pics, expecially from this site because the pictures are so clear ! I think between all the disagreements and opinions of marbles pictures can usuallly say alot!!
  11. Don't u just feel that all of these great knowledgeale marble people need to add millions of pictures !!!! Hi Felecia how are you!!Been awhile!
  12. Wow Edna thanks for the info. They have some good age and they are mint! lol I also think that vitro's are under appreciated. They have some of the neatest color combos. I have tons of conquerers and phantoms also, a few helmets and different sorts of V's and patches. :ninja:
  13. Thank you Edna for the picture, I would agree on the vitro's. I have three of this perticular marble, all the same color. Sure is a good color combination. How common are vitro trilites and how old? Thanks..
  14. Thinking pelt with its background color, but not positive.... anyway really neat ( and weathered!)
  15. Any thoughts on these new ones?? Baught these in a 1911 milk jar. Love all the different flavors! The one that I believe is a peerless patch has a neat v shape on the orange. And the white and green has it's own questionmark!??! red white an dblue one vitro helmet patch? others MK? Are there many people out there that are vitro collectors?
  16. maybe he used a previous listing of his own lol and wasn't whatching what he was doing..
  17. VERY nice marbles!! He was a great marble maker! I live the Christmas one. Thanks for your pictures!
  18. Thanks for all the great info and the pretty pictures!! Since Gibson no longer makes them I would be smart to get the other 4. They sure are nice! Does anyone have anymore gibson marble pictures??? Would love to see them!!!
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