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Everything posted by ann

  1. Pelt Bronze Zebra (with some small grass stains. I mean green flakes.)
  2. I guess I have more green than I really thought about . . .
  3. Anybody else find anything odd lately? Or a while ago, that you haven't shown us yet? Just curious . . .
  4. They look like Indians from what I can tell. In hand, is it obvious that the color bands are on (not under) the surface? Are they dead black or if backlit brightly some deep transparent color?
  5. Pretty Boy Floyd's Girlfriend.
  6. I don't think mine have any "S"s on them, but I'd be happy to call mine "Stephanie's Pink Champagnes." I guess that's a vote.
  7. Lots of food for thought, Chuck. It's something I've recently gotten puzzled about, for some reason. Please keep me up on what you may discover!
  8. This is what bothered me more than anything. Wonder if Hansel's around . . . I'm sure he'd have one if it were real!
  9. No, no, it's not an emergency! Does anybody know -- or have a reasonable guess -- as to when Peltier started experimenting with / making "cross-throughs" and / or "fruit salads," or whatever people usually call them?
  10. I like that Winnie! New to me, too. Looks like they were going for a "banded solid core!" No clue about the age of the crazy beads. Am angling now for some more strange "confetti-marble-like" ones I'd love to put together with these. I have a feeling they all may be from the 1930s, but that's based on virtually nothing except style. And not very convincingly on that. I also have a hunch they may be Czech (or even Chinese) rather than Italian, but that ain't based on anything either. Whee! Calling all Peltheads: Anybody have a notion of when Pelt might have first started making / experimenting with "cross-throughs" and/or fruit salads, or whatever they're properly called?
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