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Everything posted by santa12345

  1. I will be in on Thursday evening after going to the farmers market in Olympia
  2. When you go to this show plan on spending the day Friday at Moon Marble for the greatest opportunity to see many different glass artists actually make contemporary marbles on site. You will see torch made, furnace made, glory hole along with a huge selection of contemporary artists. Watching the glass artists make marbles is a unbelievable opportunity to increase you're knowledge. Santa12345
  3. What size is the oxblood transition and the green slag next to it?
  4. santa is hoping to land in seattle on thursday hoping for a rare july snowfall easier on the sleigh
  5. Please ck the date for this show I think that is last years date
  6. personally I like the show more than the room trading as I can not always have the time to be at the shows days in advance I consider it a responsibility to take a table to help support the show promoters offset costs I am dissapointed in the regulars who come only for room trading and do not understand that if we all only came for room trading that the shows could not continue if you benefit from selling at room trading should you not feel a responsibility to help pay for show expenses the other thing that dissapoints me is when you have a collector or group of collectors congregating outside the entrance to the show trying to see what they might be able to buy before the owner goes into the show it can make a inexpierenced collector or new person feel like they have to run the gauntlet to get into the show I like the rule used at the tulsa show where they people manning the identification table are not allowed to purchase the marbles they have identified my requirements for a hotel are only that it is freindly to the marble show organizers a fifty dollar a night hotel versus a one fifty a night hotel means that i will have $100.00 a night more to spend on marbles as opposed to (what do i get for the extra $100.00 per night) hope to see you soon at another marble show ps airport shuttles are great when applicable Santa12345
  7. when looking at what camera to buy take a pair of marbles with you to the local camera shop one slag type and one multicolor opaque ask the salespereson to show you how to use the salespersons recomended camera choices at least three different cameras take pictures of both marbles in the store have the store download the pictures to the stores computer and compare results do not buy anything yet repeat the process at a competitors store compare results and prices then choose
  8. santa will be there as well looking for great MFC marbles
  9. It is sad to hear that The Honorable Steve Smith is feeling frustrated and used. I pray that everyone who has benefitted from "Smitys" expert help would feel obligated to express thanks for all "Smittys" selfless work to promote the wonderful hobby of marble collecting. Send him a thank you card Make a phone call say thank you in person Show "Smitty" that the complainers are in the minority For the marble collectors that think it is easy to host a marble show Pick a date Negotiate with the hotel Do the publicity Pay for the showroom Hope the turnout will cover the expenses you have incured Listen to the dealers complain about everything and nothing For the posters who want a show in Columbus HERE NOW SHOW YOURE METTLE STEP UP TO THE CHALLENGE Publicize the details of the show you are going to host Otherwise Say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to "Smitty" in everyway possible Thank You "Smitty" for all the work you have done over the years May the outpouring of thanks you deserve overwhelm you and allow you to reconsider coming back and joining the the community that loves Marbles God Bless You Terry Lundeen
  10. Reservations made Looking forward to seeing some great MFC marbles Hopefully a little snow so the reindeer can land
  11. I will be in on sat the 30th also. call my cell phone if you would like to meet for lunch/dinner on any day before SEMA show. cool breeze let me know if there is anything special you might like me to pack.staying at the plaza again this year so that the wife can play in the bingo tournament. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gifhttp://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gifhttp://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif Means I will have to just carry a few things in the evenings when others arrive for room trading. Otherwise I will see you at the show on sat nov 6th SANTA
  12. Southwest airlines is curently running air fare specials that will allow marble collectors from many cities served by southwest to attend the vegas show examples flying from kansas city on nov 4 $76.00 omaha $76.00 boise $70.00 boston $109.00 chicago $109.00 ft lauderdale $114.00 indianapolis $104.00 milwaukee $119.00 minneapolis/st paul $79.00 portland $87.00 salt lake city $60.00 seattle $109.00 tulsa $76.00 ohio $139.00 comproable fares exist for return flights huury as the sale expires june 25th hope to see you all in vegas santa
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