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Everything posted by JOKER

  1. Raynsandy All I can tell you is what happened and no air or fuel was changed.Now the environment of the tank must of been just wright or it wouldn't of happened .And it only happened when we dropped in one certian spot and it didn't stay in the tank very long at all .now we've encased larger pieces of goldstone in clear and it didn't help So that leads me to believe time and temperature . but i thank you for your input
  2. not always 4 of the jabo joker run and the J&J fresh start run the goldstone made it throw the tank with out being encased in clear TIME IN TANK AND TEMPERATURE
  3. Looks like a jabo moonglow if you mix blue av and gold av most of the time you get the old looking oxblood
  4. STRIPPED TRANSPERANT at one time that marble lived here in newlondon had its brother and sister also
  5. All depends on what side of the fence your on Daves or Joanne
  6. good to see jabo turning some profit its been awhile
  7. Sissydear if what Joannes books say are true please tell me how walter could of been selling the contract run marbles at the shows from 2008 till now ? now some of the contract run I can't say not sure but the jabo joker frankies gold metals and the elites runs I know were thay came from Dave received 1/3 of the run by waving the start up fee NOW IF thats the case wouldn't you say Joanne would have or should have that some were in the books I MEAN THE MARBLES WERE MADE AT HER PLANT WRIGHT? tell us please how could he be selling them at the shows and in private with out Joanne having it in the books maybe she didn't know maybe i'm just saying maybe Dave didn't make her aware of the run ? now that would explain it wright ? the picture gets clearer and clearer don't it
  9. Soaps on the way and backdoor for sure
  10. Not sure what you would call it but the last one I had Lana payed 450.00 for and told me it was special run watermelon lana's purty up on the marbleking
  12. Yes but I still stike with once it hits the rolls the pattern is set would you agree
  13. ONLY WHEN YOU SPRINKLE SPRINKLES might want to think about the cutter more of a tear from condition think? just trying to help
  14. Duff what would make you think a defferent machine would have anything to do with the different style of marble? cutter maybe tank maybe all the machines job is to make the marble round not dicktate the pattern.The pattern is set at the glass stream and cutter.
  15. Mountain oysters,rocky mountain oysters , hot sauce the thread is about them playing with each other . you guys are off in the mountain with hot sauce
  16. Take it easy Griff all he said was he played with Darren at his place no need to get upset
  17. how about both marbles and fish? daytime marbles nighttime fish?
  18. Take a cyclone and exotic look at the surfice and maker marks then a shamrock that will tell you the story no mystery
  19. Good meeting you Rich but I am not in charge of the runs it is a team effert
  20. Come on people you want the skinny call
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