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marble wife

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Everything posted by marble wife

  1. Hey Galen, if you put that 1000 in a postal money order and send it to Lou, I will make you one!!! mark
  2. Absolutely Sue, and one we had to add The Incomparable PATRY D, who started sand baggin as many machine mades as she could find,while all the other collectors of handmades scoffed at her... She got the last laugh lol ..I miss her dearly and her knowledge on mm's was blow away,and on our last meeting at a sea tac show we traded cats eyes. What a peach...............
  3. We would vote for any of these people if they were to be on a list................ Bert Cohen Everett Grist Paul Baumann Cathy Runyan Roger Hardy Gary Dolly Gary Huxford Danny Turner Gino Biffany Elliot Pincus Roy Katskee Bucky Zeleski Ron Shepherd Jody Fine Steve Maslach Richard Marquis Ro Purser David Salazar Jim Davis Andy Davis Charles Gibson Those are just a few off the top of our heads, there are some on your list that are noteable, but come on Give CREDIT where CREDIT & RESPECT are DUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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