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  1. Our 5th show will be Saturday August 6th, 2016 Location: Days Inn & Suites, US HWY 67 South Pocahontas, AR Call the hotel at 870-892-9500 to reserve a room Call me at 870-647-1034 or 870-378-6304 to reserve a table or for info Email me at [email protected] Room trading Thursday and Friday Going to be a great time; hope some of you can attend Thanks Gary Gregory
  2. One last bump Show is a week away Still have table space Contact info above Thanks
  3. I have some signed WCG; does anyone know who this might be? Thanks for this helpful info Gary
  4. Bump and reminder About a month away Hoping some of you'll can come Please contact me fo info
  5. 4th Annual Northeast Arkansas Marble Show Saturday, August 1, 2015, 9am-2pm Days Inn & Suites, Hwy 67 South Pocahontas, AR Room reservations call 870-892-9500 In room buy, sell, trade Thursday July 30 and Friday July 31 Call Gary Gregory to reserve tables ($25) or PM me 870-647-1034 or 870-378-6304 Hope some of you can join us!
  6. Less than two weeks I still have a few tables Call me at 870-759-4178 or 870-378-6304 Thanks
  7. Days Inn and Suites number 870-892-9500 best number to call is my cell 870-378-6304 Tables $25 thanks to those who have contacted me
  8. Three weeks until our show in Pocahontas, AR. We are going to have a great time and if any of you live in IL, MO, OK, TN, TX or other states come if you can; we are expecting 15-20 tables and a good Saturday walk in crowd. I've posted show info at another location on this site; Please call me at 870-647-1034 or 870-378-6304 for a table or more info thanks Gary Gregory
  9. Room trading starts Thursday and show is a week away; going to be a great time! hope some of you can make it
  10. Three weeks and counting until the Northeast Arkansas Marble Show at Pocahontas; hope some of you can make it! Info is under the Marble Show category
  11. I just posted full information at the marble show category; we had an incredible show last year and are really excited about this show; I have a few tables left if you can make the show; call me at 870-647-1034 or 870-378-6304 for info; got a nice rate at the Days Inn; thanks Gary Gregory
  12. I'm not sure of your geographical location, but in addition to all the great shows mentioned in the above posts, there are two shows in Northeast Arkansas, one coming up in two weeks; see the info under marble shows in this forum
  13. Rich cleaned out my stash of hybrids the first night at the Arkansas show......
  14. haven't updated due to family illness; here's a brief update; we had 18 tables and between 200-300 people come through; folks were still coming after noon; I don't think we had big buyers but lots of people making some buys, looking and learning; most of our sellers were smiling and said they did well; I have a new profound appreciation for those of you who organize and hold marble shows; I have a list of suggestions to improve the show also; marble people are really nice and helpful folks; thanks to Rich and his sweet wife for some photos; I hope all of you get to meet Rich at some time; an incredible guy! thanks also to Chuck G who helped with a lot of IDs; people brought in tons of marbles! (that's me trying to ID marbles a couple of nice ladies brought in; they had a blast and bought a few marbles) will post more info later Gary Gregory
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