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Everything posted by Swissmarble

  1. or these (I personally call the ones on picture 1 "English colored Josephs Coats" but some call them just "English Swirls".
  2. Well, I think there are many different opinions about Josephs Coats around. I have many marbles which could be JC but could fall into another category too, depending on the definition:
  3. probably faked/modern onion-type marble with mica. Green based glass. Very stricking marble, but definately not antique. Probably made in Lauscha
  4. Probably faked sulphide marbles. They both had a very uncommon unfinished pontil mark and they didn't glow under black light (all other sulphides I know do glow)
  5. Modern Lutz marble. Probably made in Germany and tried to be sold as old marble
  6. Faked colored sulphide marbles made in Germany (and frequently offered on ebay) Ron
  7. Thanks Steph Just an idea. Why don't you open a section "fake marbles" ? Not just a thread, a seperate section. I think it is really important to educate people about all those fakes. Ron
  8. You bought these one ebay Germany on 18th December, right ? Both are newer marbles, probably made in Lauscha. The Bulgarian fakes look different. Unfortunately there are fake-marbles from Germany too, here are some. And I would put your two marbles in the same cagegory..... Nice, but modern/fake antique. Ron
  9. Please post a pic of the bunch if possible, I would love to see them ! Ron
  10. I am sure they are old. These are similar to the marbles I posted some months ago, remember ? The single-pontil end of days. I assume they were made between 1920 and 1930 and probably not many of them found their way to the US in these days. I have 7 of this kind of marbles in the meantime and all from different sources. And they always came in a group with antique German marbles. I call these just "end-of-day"-marbles because they don't fit in a group. There is a similar type of these marbles which have two pontils (do your marbles have one or two pontils ?) This is one I just picked up a week ago: Ron
  11. What a nasty question Probably these 3 (but just 3 is really hard....) Ron
  12. Thank you very much, I didn't know they also made marbles in pee-wee size. I am not a machine-made collector but I know that some CAC marbles are quite valueable. So would you think this is a marble of some value or is it just a more or less worthless marble ? Ron
  13. The first pics were made with a flash, that's why the colors look brighter. The second pictures matches the colors better, but the red parts are a little brighter than on the photos. The cold-roll lines are indeed quite apparent and feelable. Thanks for your help ! Ron
  14. OK, here are some more pics and they are bigger. Size is 0.497 inches Thanks ! Ron
  15. Hi I am still looking for some ID-help with this little guy here. I got it with a bunch of old German handmades, so I assume it is quite old. It is obviously machine made and it is less than 1/2 inch in diameter. Any ideas ? Thanks for your help ! Ron
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