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Everything posted by jeroen

  1. Hello, I contacted "number 9" He told me he bought some marbles from Les Jones, but the best were allready gone. Les Jones wife (or an other relative) sold them in the years after Les died at marble shows. Number 9 doubted though if Les really had onionskins up to 3 inches diameter. The only marble of this size he ever heard of was the giant 3-1/8 inch swirl that was sold last year at the august Morphy auction. I must say that after all my searching, and asking a lot of "big collectors" I have heard only of a few onionskins that were just over 2-1/2 inch.So the search continues for the big 3 inch onionskin. Does anyone has other suggestions? Jeroen
  2. Hello, Do you think Is it possible to get contact with Les's family? Any idea who might help me with that? Not that I want to buy such giant marbles (probably way over my budget) but just to see some photos of it would be great. I found a photo on internet of the 2003 Kokomo marble show, with Les behind a table. Perhaps the show bigjohn691500 was refering too?Jeroen
  3. Hello, Do you know were those big marbles went? Has an other collector bought them, or were they sold at an auction? Must be several years ago, because in the archives of Morphy, or Live auctioneers, I can't find any real big onionskin.Jeroen
  4. Some told me he had seen a single pontil onionskin with exact the same colors, and some mica too, that was 2-3/4 inch. Could be a marble from the same cane, as the end of that cane. A few years ago 3 same cane clown onionskins (if I remember correctly) were for sale at Morphy. Allthough, they were from the same cane, they were different in size. So a 2-3/4 inch marble could be from the same cane as a 2-19/32 inch marble.Jeroen
  5. That would be something. to own a 3 inch onionskin. Do you know some one who has such a giant in there collection?Jeroen
  6. Hello collectors, Is there no one who have seen larger ononskin marbles? Jeroen
  7. Yes I am, and I will post an other nice marble I found recently in a few days.
  8. Hello, I like very big old handmade marbles. Recently I added a verry large onionskin to my collection. It has a nice color combination, and some mica too. The size of this one is what making this onionskin very rare. It is 2-19/32 inch! The weight of this monster is 370 grams, or 13,1 oz. It is great to have such a marble in my collection, but it is making the other marbles small ;-) My question is, does any one of you know if there are bigger onionskins known to excst? And if so of what size? (a photo would be nice) I know there are larger swirls, but I have never seen or heard of an onionskin that is larger than this one. I know some of you visit a lot of marble shows. Perhaps seen a bigger one there? Thanks for the help. Jeroen
  9. I have seen these exact same photos a few months ago. I have to say that the thing most people in the Netherlands assosiate Bulgarian people with is crime. Bulgaria is a very poor country, so they probably do everything to get money. But perhaps these marbles were produced in Bulgaria, who knows. Jeroen
  10. Hello, This seller antontonino79 has some very strange marbles for sale on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/sch/antontonino79/m.html?hash=item27c8eb366c&item=170874582636&pt=Marbles&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2562 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-German-marble-Handmade-onionskin-swirl-africa-latticino-VINTAGE-AMBER-/170874582636?pt=Marbles&hash=item27c8eb366c Some of them look like very large transitional marbles. Not the leighton types from the USA, but the very old single gathered hand mades from Germany. Those marbles were made before the invention of the marble scissors. Because a lot of the marbles he sell has much air bubbles, these marbles could be remelted. I understand that new air bubbles are formed when reheating old glass. I think Rich Santaclaus knows all about this. This marble has a very strange pontil: http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-OLD-MICA-GERMAN-MARBLES-ONIONSKIN-LATTICINO-SWIRL-RIBBON-CORE-AFRICA-/170871522554?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c8bc84fa My oppinion most of the marbles he sells are remelted damaged marbles of some kind, but perhaps I am wrong. Look forward to your reactions. Jeroen
  11. Hello again, It seems that size is indeed very important with the Joseph coats. I have posted two new marbles on ebay. One large Joseph Coat/ onionskin cross over, and two smaller Joseph Coat marbles in blue glass. The blue glass is very rare, but the bidding stays behind with the larger ones. Here are the links for the ohter two marbles: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Very-large-1-5-16-inch-mint-Joseph-Coat-marble-with-unusual-color-combination-/320907548913?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ab79498f1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Two-very-rare-blue-glass-Joseph-Coat-marbles-/320907555187?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ab794b173 Regards, Jeroen
  12. Hello marble collectors, I have put on ebay a very rare 2000 year old Roman marble: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2000-year-old-unique-1-5-16-inch-Roman-glass-marble-/320904710209?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ab7694841 I am curious what you think about it. And also two Joseph coat marbles: http://www.ebay.com/itm/mint-13-16-inch-Joseph-Coat-marble-with-super-colors-/320904725991?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ab76985e7 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wet-mint-large-1-7-32-inch-Joseph-Coat-marble-with-stunning-colors-/320904739852?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ab769bc0c I was surpriced that the orange Joseph coat received such a high bid so quickly, and the other one, which is in my eyes equaly beautiful, stays behind so much. I thought they have about the same value Am I totally wrong with them when it comes to the value? Regards, Jeroen
  13. Hello Marble Collectors, I want to share with you a website I have created as a trial. www.monumentaltrees.eu This name will change in the future. The website shows some marbles I have for sale. Right now mostly Joseph coats are shown. I am particularly interested in what you think about the photo of the marbles. I have experienced that making good photos of marbles is not so easy, but I must say they don’t look bad. I have attached some photos of which I think they are pretty good. I use an aperture of 10 to get enough sharpness. Do you think the quality of the photos is good enough to offer the marbles in this way? I turn the marbles 90 degrees each time and take a photo, and of course from the pontil and the top of the marble, so there are 6 photos of each marble, except for some lots with 2 or 3 marbles. I look forward to your reactions, and if someone has an interest in any of those marbles you can contact me at [email protected] Regards, Jeroen
  14. Hello, Recently I found an interesting marble. It has very dark red colours that look like oxblood. My friend Jeroen van Valkenburg thought that it is an oxblood swirl. He recognised the dark red colour with the yellow band. A similar marble can be seen on the old website of Marble Alan with a two white bands. But MA mentioned that he has seen them with yellow bands too, and there is also a photo of a ghost core with two oxblood bands. So more varieties are known. MA named them oxblood swirls. The white and yellow bands of those oxblood swirls float above the oxblood. Notice that my marble has normal red bands. One is next of the yellow band. But the majority of the red is defenitly an other kind of red. In my marble the bands are like joseph coats in the same layer. They don't float above it. So my marble could be named oxblood joseph coat. I hope someone out there can confirm my thoughts, or can give a better explanation. The first and the last photo are from MA old website. Jeroen
  15. I am not sure you direct yourself to me. Have you read my post? Dit you understand what I am writng? THIS IS NOT MY MARBLE!!!! I am not crazy!!
  16. Hello, I think this marble on ebay, has the highest asking price ever, compared to what iit is really worth ;-) Item number : 280863130737 Link:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-German-Handmade-Double-Panel-Solid-Ribbon-Pink-Blue-Core-Mica-Marble?item=280863130737&cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D7698319287069371214 The real value is probably $0,0000000000000001 So it is over priced a zillion times! Jeroen
  17. Hello,My seller name is jeroenbart. The item number is 320883615354 Regards, Jeroen
  18. Hello,I will sell this marble on ebay. The auction will start later today. Regards, Jeroen
  19. Hello, Recently I found a very rare marble. A 4 lobed joseph coat. The size is 1-3/16 inch, or 30mm. I showed photos of the marble to some long time and well known collectors, to ask there opinion. Some of them has seen one before, but not with such clear lobes, but an other collector told me he has never seen one before. Two photos were taken under water, to show the lobes better. On the other photos the lobes seems not so deep, but in hand they show much better. I think my camera has a difficulty to focus at the right point of the marble. The marble has also green aventurine glass. Lobed marbles are the earliest marbles, so it is strange to find lobes in a joseph coat. But perhaps the maker of this marbles tried to compete more with the first cheaper machine made marbles. With these lobes and aventurine he probably tried to create more desirable marbles. I will put this marble on ebay in the near future, but before I do, I am curious what other collectors think. If any one is realy interested in it to buy it, let me know. I look forward to your reactions! Jeroen
  20. Hello Steph, I have a large collection of these marbles. I you or other collectors are interested to purchase one or more of these marbles, that is possible. That greyish one is indeed very nice. I think it is the only one I have with this feature. Jeroen
  21. Hello, A very interesting topic about the ceramic marbles. I have some very interesting old marbles. These are hand made salt glazed stoneware marbles. They look some how similar as the Bennington marbles, but they are much older and much rarer. These marbles are from the period 1580-1700. They were made in Germany, in a small town called Frechen, and in Belgium in a small town called Raeren. These are also the places where the well-known Bellarmine bottles were produced, with the same kind of glazing. The book Colonial period and early 19th century children’s toy marbles by Richard Gartley and Jeff Carskadden, gives detailed information about these type of marbles. Here is aquote from the book:Brown salt glazed stoneware marbles seen in European collections range in size from about ½ inch to 2-1/2 inches in diameter,although they seem to cluster in two general size categories: 9/16 to 5/8 of an inch and 1-1/8 to 1-1/4 inches. Those of the largest diameters (over 2 inches)are the rarest; only two examples are known. Robert Block writes in his book “Marbles identification and price guide on page 68,stoneware marbles over 2 inch, none known to exist. I know that there are several more over two inch, but this size is still very rare! There are 4types of salt glazed stoneware marbles described in the book The book Colonial period and early 19th century children’s toy marbles: Brown salt glazed stoneware marbles, Gray salt glazed stoneware marbles, Raeren brown stoneware marbles, and Frechen tigerware marbles. Brown is the most common color, tigerware, and yellow are the rarest. I loo forwar to you reactions. I have placed more photos in my album. Jeroen
  22. Hello, Last time I was fighting with my photo's to keep the total kb below 400 or so. But at some post I see lots of large photos that are for sure more than 400 kb together. How can I do that also? Regards, Jeroen
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