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Everything posted by jeroen

  1. What kind of UV light is needed? Long wave or short wave? I found on internet an article saying that black light is long wave UV light
  2. Thank you for posting the movie. I did not figure out what the 3 million dollar collection is. Is it the collection from Dan Morphy, or the collection in bags that Brian Estepp is speaking about. Anyway, there are some very nice marbles in the first box that Dan Morphy is opening. But $40.000 tot 60.000 for each of those marbles!? If hat is true, than there are plenty 3 million dollar collections! I recognise several of those marbles as being sold on Morphy auctions before. On o them is the 4 panel 16 lobed single pontil with mica. It had an estimate of $2000-3000, but was finally sold for $7475. Very strange the low estimate. But look at the photos. It is full of scratches and small dings, not a glossy wet mint marble. But take a good look at the movie. The marble looks to good to be true. Has it been polished? Perhaps they waxed it. Very strange. In the other box there is a 24 lobed, also sold at Morphy several years ago. This marble has light pocket wear, not a shiny wet look, but again it shines like a diamond. What do you think? Jeroen P
  4. Interesting this medals, but how about the movie? Is anyone able to see it or download it. Is there a web wizzard who can show us this movie! Jeroen P
  5. I found it on youtube: But agian, not available in my country..... Are there any collectors from Australia who can download it and put it on youtube again, available for the whole world? Jeroen P
  6. Yes, there are some marbles also on the shelves. Looks like sulphides on the top shelve, and swirls? below.
  7. I have found the location were the movie about the marbles probably can be seen: http://www.aetv.com.au/shows/Million-Dollar-Auctions.html But I got a message that I can't watch it from my country or location. Perhaps you can in the USA, or there is someone who is so clever on the pc to bypass this message, download the movie and put it on youtube. Jeroen P.
  8. Hello, In this movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDfB2dg-F2A Dan Morphy is opening a box with some top marbles. approx at 1 minute and 56 seconds. The photo below is a frame of the movie. I recognise a very large indian marble. Perhaps the 2-3/8 inch indian marble they mentioned in a digital flyer for the upcomming marble auction 13-14 december. In this fyer they also mentioning an onionskin with floating lobed mica. I can't see it in the picture below. In the box to the left of Dan are some very nice onionskins. Could these marbles Dan Morphy is showing part of the 3 million dollar marble auction that was on Foxtel television yesterday. I hope someone has seen it on Foxtel. I don't know if this collection was on television just to show that someone has such a collection, or that is was shown as an example of a collection that Morphy is going to sell. I would love to see what kind of marbles there are in a 3 million dollar collection. Jeroen P.
  9. This is not my collection. My collection is worth at least $5 million Jeroen
  10. And here is an other: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-31-32-SPREAD-WINGED-EAGLE-SULPHIDE-MARBLE-/360772747284?pt=Marbles&hash=item53ffbb4014 Graded 9.7!!!! Do they not know at Morphy's what 9.7 means? It means mint+ NO DAMAGE VISIBLE, NOT EVEN UNDER MAGNIFICATION! This marble is not even in the mint range. Here is the Marble Alan grading which is the correct one in my opinion. 10.0 (Pristine): This describes a perfect marble, with a "wet," clean surface even under magnification. All contemporary marbles should have this grade, though very few antique or vintage marbles will ever be graded as such. 9.7-9.9 (Mint +): There is no damage present, even under magnification, though the marble is not quite a perfect "10." 9.3-9.6 (Mint): To the unaided eye, this describes a marble with no damage, though under magnification there may be one or two pinpricks, a hint of wear, or an abrasion or rub spot. Marbles in this range may have a small "as-made" such as a pinprick-sized blow-out pit or a touch spot. 9.0-9.2 (Mint -): Mint (-) marbles will have no missing glass, with the exception perhaps of some microscopic pinpricks. There may be minor wear, a sparkle or two, or a tiny subsurface reflection or moon. 8.7-8.9 (Near Mint +): These marbles are almost in the Mint range, but may have a tiny flake or moon, or two, as well as a few sparkles, subsurface reflections/moons, minor "as-mades," and/or minor wear. Near Mint (+) marbles will have at least one angle from which they view Mint. 8.3-8.6 (Near Mint): This range describes marbles that have the same sort of description seen on Near Mint (+) marbles, only to a higher degree. One side should still be viewed Mint. 8.0-8.2 (Near Mint -): These marbles will have the same sort of damage seen on specimens in the upper Near Mint ranges but only more so. No side will be viewable as Mint, but the damage will not be deep or cover more than one quarter of the marble's surface, with the exception of overall wear. Jeroen Pater (not Jeroen van Valkenburg)
  11. That is what I discussing with other collectors also. There is a correct grading like Marble Alan used as grading, and a Morphy grading. Is there some one out there who is willing to contact Dan Morphy, because I think Morphy is loosing there credibility. Not long ago they had a Jenny Lind sulphide on ebay. The same issue. A lot of damage, and still grading it mint-. Or Morphy is thinking that they have such a good reputation that they can grade marbles with lots of damage as being mint, and think that collectors will believe them. Like: "when we (morphy) are saying this is mint it is mint!". This marble has at least 100 flea bites. Mint-, 9.0 -9-2, means at the Marble Alan grading no missing glass, except for some microscopic pinprics. Jeroen Pater (not Jeroen van Valkenburg)
  12. He collects marbles for many years, and he has a pretty large collection with other nice marbles also. But he told me that this marble is his top marble now. Jeroen
  13. I got some photos from the Lucky owner of the $7777.77 marble. The photos are not the best quality, but I have sharpen them a bit, so any damage would show more. I stll can't see any damage. I think a lot of us where eye whitness of a $12000-15000 marble that was sold for only $7777.77. Such a rare, beautiful marble in mint+ condition shows up at ebay only every 4-5 years or so I think. The $7777.77 bidder stole it away from everybody! Jeroen
  14. I just had a talk with the owner of the $7777.77 marble. He recieved it yesterday. He could detect under magnification a few of the smallest cratches. With the naked eye not visible. Not even sure if they are damage or just as made. He will send me some photos soon. I have permission to post them here. But his description gives me the feeling this marble is 9.5-9.7 condition. Jeroen
  15. No he is not the winner, I just told the winning bidder about marble connection two weeks ago. I don't think he made 1150 post in those two weeks, so kbobam is not the winner. Jeroen
  16. Well, I can tell you it stays in the states, but the buyer has not received the marble yet.
  17. I though this marble would go for more, in the $10.000 range. But I think to bid so high, one would like to see the marble in person. In this case, the pictures were good enough to buy it unseen in my opinion. I could not detect any damage at all, but of course some subsurface reflextions could stay invisible on even the best photos. Jeroen
  18. I don't know why the camera has so much trouble to show the lobes. I think is is the reflection in the glass. When I look at it with my eyes, it looks almost the same as under water. Jeroen
  19. Thank you Randy. You should try it too, to make some photos of marbles under water, especially lobed onionskins. Jeroen
  20. Here is the marble under water. It shows the lobes much better.
  21. Hello collectors. I want to share with you my newest marble, that came in today. It is a 2-1/4 inch 4 lobed onionskin in good condition. Only one small chip. It is hard to get the lobes on camera, but when under water the lobes shows much better. Jeroen
  22. This is probably the best box for old handmade marbles there is. It is not mine, and I am not sure those are the Original marbles, but the box is great. Jeroen
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