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Everything posted by jeroen

  1. Hello Bill, I wish I could, but to far away for me. Why did the Germans send all the marbles to the USA? If they had not done that, we could have all the marble shows here in Europe ;-) Jeroen
  2. Hello Bill, I told you that marbles are hard to find in France I have no idea why. Perhaps German people and France people were not the best friends in the period that the handmade marbles were produced in Germany. But at least you saved some money for the marbles show ;-) Jeroen
  3. The seller is a strange unfair person. I sold him some marbles. He send an email that they were not as described, and he wanted partial refund. I described the damage on the marbles during my aucton with good photos. and wrote that they were good for polishing. He wrote me that the damage was very deep,into the core of the marbles and not suitable for polishing. A few weeks later I see the marbles I sold him in a larger lot that he is selling. Showing the best sides, and not telling how the condition of those marbles are. How hippicrit can one be. I blocked him as a buyer. Funny thing, a few weeks later I see the marble with the "damage to into the core" for sale as a nice polished marble. Jeroen
  4. Look at this marble: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-MARBLE-3-4-So-Scarce-BANDED-OPAQUE-Cobalt-Blue-GERMAN-3-Band-SWIRL-/360738413466?pt=Marbles&hash=item53fdaf5b9a What would the buy it now price be if mint? $10.000? LOL I think marbles are not their speciality....... Jeroen
  5. I am almost sure it is a modern marble. But a very nice one. Jeroen
  6. Hello, I recognise the same things as with my marble. The opposite of the pontil is also formed in a similar way. And I see those milky colored moon shape things also.Jeroen
  7. Hello Ron, Sure, post everything you like on your website. The more collectors know about this the better! Jeroen
  8. Hello, You can find photos of the whole marble on my website now. It is a huge photo. The fact that this marble has no touch marks, cold roll lines, a small flat spot, on which the marble rested during cooling or what so ever is curious. well most of you know what kind of things there are on an old large handmade marble formed during manufacturing. Non of my other large marbles are free of this. They all have some of that. And the pontil is made of at least 20 or so very small facets. They are different than with all my other marbles. Back than they used large wheels to make those facets. So the facets are mostly large, and just a few. Jeroen
  9. Hello,I am not that professioned to can give you a good answer. But if those lines would have been caused by dragging the marble along a metal surface, than those lines should be IN the glass, likes a scratch. But these lines are ON the glass, so caused by something else. Jeroen
  10. Yes, this is very disappointed. I find it hard to believe that even such very well experienced collectors like Bernie, who has probably seen thousands of marbles, was fooled by this one. You need to have the best jewellery magnifiers, the same they use when looking at diamonds or other expensive gemstones, to find out it is reworked! Jeroen
  11. The second photo shows the moon shaped bird shit colored things, the remains of chips/ subsurface moons.
  12. And the third photo, from the pontil with air bubbles. Even the tiny hole I pointed out (there are more very small ones) is a damage caused by reheating.
  13. Dear collectors, I want to warn you all that there are some very good reworked handmade marbles around. A few weeks ago I made a post about a super mica onionskin marble. I traded it with Bernie Benavidez. I got in contact with Bernie in the beginning of this year. He told me he is collecting for a long time, and has a very good reputation in the marble world and is well respected . But last week I showed my super onionskin to my friend Jeroen van Valkenburg, and he told me it is reworked/ reheated. Done by a very good marble repair man. I had some doubts about the marble, because I saw, what I thought were some tiny scratches. I asked more details about those lines, but I did not got it, because even Bernie thought the marble is perfect, a 10.0 marble! No worry Jeroen it is perfect he told me. I have post some photos on which you can see what is wrong with this marble. The first photo shows many small lines. Caused by cooling the marble to quick after it was reheated. Then on the second photo you see some of those small milky white coloration. These are remaining’s of small chips, or subsurface moons. Rich Santa calls it “bird shit” He told me that is what you get when reheating marbles with subsurface moons or cracks. He had to “pick” that bird shit out in order to get a clean marble. Also noticeable are the many, many tiny air bubbles. Also visible in the opening of the pontil. See the third photo. And the pontil itself is made of many small facets (I could not catch that on camera). Something that is not how it should be on such a kind of marble. To see more photos is full resolution go to www.monumentaltrees.eu So learn about this. I expected a super 10.0 grade marble, but I got a reworked one instead. It is an very hard lesson for me. It took me a lot of time this deal. I will not trade ever again without making sure all parties are able to accurately describe and guarantee their marbles. Jeroen
  14. If you refer to Jeroen van Valkenburg, I can tell you that this marble comes from the USA Jeroen vV has never seen it before. It once was in the collection of Bud Braunlich Jeroen
  15. Hello, This is my newest marble, received it today. “The marble looks spectacular”, is what Hansel told me. And I agree, it has great eye appeal. The lobes are very deep, and are almost running horizontal from pontil to “pole”. And it is a left twist also. Probably the largest left twist lobed onionskin known. The size is 2-3/16 inch, and it is mint also, with only one fleabite. Hansel told me he never seen a similar one. So what I would like to know if this is indeed an unique design. Have any one of you seen a similar lobed onionskin? Enjoy the photos Jeroen
  16. Here is a close up of the "north pole"Jeroen
  17. Hello, I want to share with you my newest marble. It is a 2-1/2 inch mica onionskin. The color combination a fantastic! The red dots seems to flow as to speak "in space" because of the dark background near the red dots Most amazing is the condition of this marble. I examined it with a loupe, but I could not detect any damage at all! Not the smallest scratch, subsurface sparkle, noting, nada. Perhaps this marble could be graded 10.0. I think it is very rare that an old 2-1/2 inch handmade marble has no damage at all. Well enjoy the photos. Jeroen
  18. Hello, I use a caliper as well, I just saw some examples of those templates with holes, but still the questions is, is the size of a marble the largest one can find when measuring. Even at the equator the size differs a little. When a game fisher is measuring a fish he caught, he measures the largest he can find right? ;-) Jeroen
  19. Hello, I have a marble for sale on ebay. It is 2-1/2 inch around the 'equator" as to speak, and about 2-7/16 measured over the pontil. So what is the correct size of the marble? I have seen "cards/boards" with different size holes in it, to use for measuring the size of marbles. My idea is that with this system, the largest size of the marble is measured. As a marble is a sphere, and a sphere is an endless number of circles, it is impossible to squeeze a circle with a diameter of 2-1/2 inch through a 2-7/16 inch hole. So my marble won't fit in a 2-7/16 inch hole. I look forward to your answers. Jeroen
  20. Hello collectors, I have some interesting marbles for sale. All handmades, sorry machine made collectors ;-) http://www.ebay.com/sch/dutchmarbles/m.html?item=321093627719&pt=Marbles&hash=item4ac2abef47&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Jeroen
  21. They call it a marble. "Possible" buffed lol ;-) I looks more like a banana to me ;-) http://www.ebay.com/itm/330891894774 Jeroen
  22. The marble auction from Morphy is online. Some great marbles for sale! http://morphyauction...genum=1〈=En Starting from lot 1213 Jeroen
  23. Hello, Thank you for the information! Have you already sold it, or is it still for sale? When already sold can you tell me who bought it? Jeroen
  24. Hello, Does anyone knows the whereabouts this this fantastic marble box? A friend of mine want's to know more about it. Thanks, Jeroen
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