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Jim T

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  1. My perfect marble is one that stays where I put it. I like the Akro corkscrews that I KNOW are going to stay on the Akro shelf. My German latticinos know where they belong too. My Master Sunbursts stay put except for one that keeps moving over to the Akro shelf.
  2. The dancing creatures remind me of the old ads for Sea Monkeys. Beautiful marble.
  3. I think these are Pelts. That was my intention when I set up this display. My marbles get moved around a lot and I would like to know which ones aren't pelts and what pile I should put them in. I picked up the frog at a flea market last weekend. It was a neat amber/root beer color and I thought it would be perfect for some root beer/ amber marbles but I wanted to wash it first. It was either in a smokers house for a lifetime or just well used because it turned out to be clear. Thanks for any corrections or confirmations.
  4. That is impressive. When my "JIM" marbles were knocked off their display with a couple dozen other similar sized marbles it took me an hour to find them and I knew what I was looking for.
  5. I have placed a few of my Great-Grandfather's marbles on E-bay. Included is a 3/4" Akro Corkscrew that has been called a popeye by some and a snake by others. I turned down a 50 buck offer from a dealer who had it in hand. He called it a popeye. I hope I don't end up kicking myself. I am 99% sure of my Id's thanks to help from the people on here. Bid early and bid often. http://www.ebay.com/sch/jimmy5150/m.html?hash=item35bc6b5f65&item=230794420069&pt=Marbles&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  6. 3 of the marbles in your first pic are German Latticinos. 2 of them look pretty rough. I would pick out a couple dozen of the marbles that are in the best condition and post pics in the id section 6 at a time. It looked like all the marbles you posted are old and worth at least a couple of bucks each. Somewhere in that sack you could have marbles worth a $100 or more.
  7. I picked up a couple of golf ball display cases at a local sporting goods store. I had a idea to use o-rings to keep them from rolling of the stands and bought a 180 piece set at Arbor Freight for $3.00. I should have looked closer at the box. I ended up with an assotment of gromments. They ended up working out better than orings. The first box, I haven't identified any of the marbles except for the 4 on top that I bought on E-bay. Box #2 the marble on top left is thought by several to be a jabo but it doesn't have the same feel as the 7 jabos next ti it that I bought on E-bay. The next down were the easiest to identify and I am hoping that those marbles might sell for enough to get a nice display case that would fit a few hundred marbles. The shelf below that contains my identified marbles.
  8. Why marbles? I had no plans on collecting marbles until my Dad sent me a couple dozen of his grandfathers marbles. I visited a few sights like this and ebay to try and find out if there was anything valuble and the next thing I know I'm buying marbles
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