My father was managing director of this Dutch marble factory. The name of the factory was N.V. Veiligglas, the trade name out of its official name: N.V. Eerste Nederlandsche Fabriek van Veiligheidsglas "Veiligglas" and was situated in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. As a glass factory the company was active from about 1935 up to about 1970. It is now a trading name of a car glass importer and dealer as a subsidiary of Asahi Glass from Japan.
Manufacturing glass marbles was a side line next to the main business of the company, the hardening of glass to safety glass standards. The float glass was imported from factories in Belgium, Great Britain and Germany. The manufacturing of marbles took place from about 1949 up to about 1960/62.
I am now engaged in writing an article about the company and its marbles manufacturing. I am grateful if anyone can help me with more concrete information about the marbles and/or the factory.
Especially I am interested in receiving the article in the Dutch paper of which I know that it is published, but I do not have the article itself.
Please send your information at [ziekenoppasser (at)].
Thank you very much!