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Everything posted by Gametech

  1. Here are the rest of the nicer Jabos that I have. Enjoy.
  2. Couple of contemps, and the old German cane they were made from.
  3. Trying to get back into the routine of taking more photos, here are a few I thought you might enjoy.
  4. Found the figurine at a flea market, and removed the "crystal ball" to accommodate displaying marbles.
  5. They're back! All I can say is that Leroy does a wonderful job.
  6. LOL! I was going to say Princess Leia, but hey... that works too.
  7. Hey everyone, sorry I've been away for a while. Just sent off a few marbles for Leroy to repair, and thought I'd share some of the before photos. Naturally when I get them back, I'll post photos of the results. I can't wait! Here's a link to the album... http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/gametech1/library/marbles
  8. I figured I would throw my switchback into the mix. Enjoy!
  9. Dragon (top) Dragon (bottom) "I'm Watching You" (with mustache) Dirty "2" Bacon and Eggs Princess Leia I have a few others floating around somewhere, and will post them later if I can remember where they are... LOL! Enjoy
  10. Eagle Eye Reverse Playboy Bunny Alien Head Cobra Phoenix Wishbone
  11. Lips Duck Word "Up" Eyeball Letter "V" Horseshoe
  12. Anything interesting on page 274?
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