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Everything posted by Gametech

  1. The Guess Who - Clap For The Wolfman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIr4To3EzK8
  2. Pontil mark... ...and detail of internal figure.
  3. My "first" sulfide was given to me by an elderly lady at a yard sale. It was of a sitting pig, but the marble was very rough, and in two pieces. At the time I didn't care, I was as happy as a kid on Christmas morning just to find my "first" sulfide. I found this one last week, in an antique shop, the price was right, so I decided to take it home. It measures roughly 1 15/16". I decided to take a few photos so everyone else can enjoy it as well. Thanks for looking! The shadow knows! lol Condition of the surface...
  4. Would this Pelt qualify as htf? I can dig through the rest of my collection to see what other goodies I can come up with.
  5. Thanks everyone for the information, and setting me straight.
  6. Dug out a few Pelts, and was wondering if any of these might be a Santa Claus, or just wishful thinking? LOL
  7. Bought a few of these boxes from Rich at the recent Arkansas show, and decided to fix one up over the weekend. Thanks to Rich for the idea, and for the spectacular marble! (the purple one)
  8. I'll be headed down from Springfield early Saturday morning. Looking forward to the show and getting to meet a few faces from here.
  9. Thank you all for the information! I'm getting a new camera this weekend, and hope to start posting photos on a regular basis so I can share a little bit of what I have with everyone else here. You guys are the best and I'm glad I could be a member of the site.
  10. This one is 19/32". The brown areas have a flat appearance, while everything else is glossy. Someone told me this could "possibly" be what was known as a chocolate wedding cake, is there such a thing? Thank you, Robert
  11. A marble buddy of mine has one of these. The look on my face when he told me what it was? "priceless" lol
  12. Hello everyone, just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. The name is Robert, and I live in Springfield, MO. I only started collecting marbles just a few months ago, but have already ran across some interesting finds, and met some really great/helpful people along the way. I suppose that's enough about me for now. I look forward to meeting/talking with everyone in the days to come, and will try to upload a few photos sometime soon to share a little bit of my collection with everyone.
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