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Everything posted by savage-28

  1. FWIW.... The prices listed, already have the 20 percent included.
  2. Here's a link for what they sold for. http://morphyauctions.auctionflex.com/showlots.ap?co=31120&weid=23424&weiid=0&archive=n&lso=lotnumasc&pagenum=1〈=En
  3. I still haven't received my marbles or a tracking number?? Anyone got theirs or heard when they plan to ship?
  4. I got several, but missed out on several CAC's. I just bid on-line, so I cant wait for them to arrive!
  5. Tulsa Marble Show June 23, 2012 9:00 – 3:00 Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center 6808 S 107 E Ave, Tulsa, Oklahoma Phone 918-307-2600 - Fax 918-307-2907 - renaissancetulsa.com Reservations: 800-264-0165 (mention Tulsa Area Marble Club) Tables $35 Admission $2 Children Free Room Trading Thurs & Fri (June 21st & 22nd) Information: Randy Coker (918) 838-0307 Cell: (918) 760-6674
  6. Also, if you look at the calipers closer, you will notice its closer to 2".
  7. It is nice. It is contemporary also. I could have swore I saw this same marble back up for sale in another auction in Missouri, on Auction Zip. Could be wrong though!
  8. I asked the seller about the Brick, Corkscrew, & Popeye. Here's his response..... "These all came from an Akro Employees family. They are all definately Akro and are all quite rare. They could hace been expermiental. The rarest is the popeye. I did have it looked at by a person who wrote the book on Akro and they verified it is an Akro."
  9. Never mind, just saw the other thread about the Popeye.
  10. What about the crazy looking Popeye he's selling? Seen any like it? http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-8-AKRO-three-color-POPEYE-SNAKE-YELLOW-AKRO-AGATE-AGATES-MARBLE-/261017424376?pt=Marbles&hash=item3cc5d9d1f8#ht_500wt_689
  11. I haven't came across many remelted/recooked marbles, but could this be one, or is it as advertised? http://www.ebay.com/itm/251054582000?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  12. Assuming these have pontils, could these be vintage German marbles? It seems like I've seen similar marbles called EOD Clown marbles. I'm referring to the spotted ones in the top, right hand corner.
  13. I'm looking from my phone, so I'm not sure we're looking at the same thing, but if it looks the same as my link, you can click on "See full item description" for several more pics. I'm not thinking its a CAC either, it just doesn't look right.
  14. Any thoughts? Christensen?? http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=251047917305&index=20&nav=SEARCH&nid=10497798320
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