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Everything posted by savage-28

  1. Clyde, what are the blue & blacks (second row from top) called?
  2. You know it's a keeper, lol!! It's gorgeous!! Please post more pics, when you get a chance.
  3. Whatever it is, it's nice! What's the size?
  4. I don't have a clue if it's actually lutz, but it doesn't look like adventurine, to me?? Does adventurine typically appear on white, like this one?
  5. Tulsa Marble Show - 19th Annual June 22, 2013 9:00 – 3:00 Featuring antique & contemporary marbles, antique toys, coins, and art glass. Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center 6808 S 107 E Ave, Tulsa, Oklahoma Phone 918-307-2600 - Fax 918-307-2907 - renaissancetulsa.com Reservations: 800-264-0165 (mention Tulsa Area Marble Club) Tables $35 Admission $2 Room Trading Thurs & Fri (June 20th & 21st) Information: Randy Coker (918) 838-0307 Cell: (918) 760-6674 Or Steve Dodson Cell: (417) 850-7123
  6. These are htf. I saw my first one on eBay (I think) the other day, but it wasn't in this nice of a condition.
  7. Ever since I purchased my first marble from them, they've sent me a free catalog before each marble auction.
  8. Killer design!! I though hard about bidding on that one, but with it not having a grade assigned to it, I figured it must look much worse in hand. This is an example of the small things, that Morphys needs to improve on, if they want to be "top notch" and have an unrivaled reputation.
  9. I didn't buy anything this go around, but I was disappointed with a marble that purchased on the previous auction. It was a carnelian ox, graded 9.6, with a pinprick/ding that wasn't mentioned or shown in the pics. I also bought a couple others, with imperfections, that weren't mentioned, shown, or accounted for in their grading. None of them were easy to notice, so I'm thinking they're probably not giving each marble a thorough examination before assigning a grade.
  10. Where have you been? Morphy's has successfully ID'd an auctioned them, so they should start showing up more often, lol. Link to auction.... http://morphyauctions.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=31120&weid=31141&weiid=11256680&keyword=Guinea&lso=lotnumasc&pagenum=1〈=En
  11. If you go to the first show, you'll find a way to make it to the second.
  12. Do they charge the consignors a fee as well?
  13. You only get the 2 percent discount, if you pay with cash.
  14. You should complain, then let us know if you got anywhere.
  15. Perhaps, some folks could be trying to cause doubt to scare bidders away?
  16. I've seen others lobed, like this one, but not with them running this horizontal, in direction (if that makes sense). Beautiful marble!
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