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Everything posted by savage-28

  1. Excuse my ignorance, but what is that first marble? Got anymore pics? Thanks!
  2. Most listings on eBay, claiming to have ox, aren't really oxblood.
  3. Haven't heard. Have you contacted the seller?
  4. Killermarbles, is that the one dubbed as the "World's Largest Marble"? How big is it??
  5. When are you going to have your website up?? Can't wait!!
  6. The so called largest marble in the world (over 3"), sold for $28,000 a few yrs ago on Morphys.
  7. They had more marbles in their May auction, and I thought they sold well. I did a search and it looks like (roughly) 150 of the 711 lots are CA. Not as many as it looks (in my mind)!
  8. Catfish, Does that orange looking slag have oxblood in it?
  9. Greg, Your icon picture.... Where is it?
  10. I'd probably let it slide, due to it being bigger than advertised. You got a great deal!!
  11. All very nice, but that 6 panel onion is unbelievable!
  12. That's a one-in-a-million find!! Where are you finding these marbles??
  13. I'm guessing your the lucky owner of Collection no. 3, from the Netherlands? http://www.glasmurmeln.com/HOT--ar--ar--Sammler-zeigen-ihre-sch.oe.nsten-Murmeln-_-Collectors-show-their-nicest-marbles.htm
  14. Here's some examples of similar marbles. Notice the pontils. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/4539928 http://www.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=31120&weiid=8526828〈=En http://www.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=31120&weiid=8527227〈=En
  15. Get a few of each. How much are they selling for?
  16. They almost look too good to be vintage. If they are vintage, yes, very nice corks! Those colors are tough to find.
  17. Do you think the maker intended for it to turn out the way it did?
  18. Nevermind, I found what you were referring to.
  19. Where did it say that early US marbles were Clambroths and that English colored marbles were made in England? I'm reading from my phone, so I don't think I'm able to open all the links.
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