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Everything posted by rockgardenplants

  1. What would give you a CAC vibe? What am I missing?
  2. I'm a bit hesitant to list orange and red swirl marbles that have turned out to be a WV swirl. To me this mib has characteristics of a Chrissie. What do you think?
  3. The green of these ribbons looks black, but as the ribbons thin on the edges it's obviously green. A new name for NLR: Black Tailed John Deere! (certainly not an 'official' name)
  4. A nice lot to be sure, but who would buy such tiny, tiny marbles? From the auction description: "Most of these measure approx 5/16" in size" 😉
  5. The base is translucent at minimum. Transparent perhaps. I don't think I'll crack it open to find out... 😁
  6. https://www.ebay.com/usr/orange_orbital Beautiful Chrissies, Pelts and a killer Ravenswood... with more coming!
  7. Greetings all, Besides the pearlized patches and the comic patches, which PPP is hardest to find? I just picked up two red on custard yellow. Peace, James
  8. The colors look MK. What do y'all think? 19/32"
  9. Wasatch Front, Utah. Elevation 4350'. Sure makes it a lot easier to go to the high country when you live at 4300' 😎
  10. Cool thought! Your brain seems to wander over every possibility, eh? 😁
  11. Yep. The blue one lights up pretty good. The base glass looks like vitrolite to me.
  12. Here's the other Peltier. The first one was 19/32" and this one is 5/8". No aventurine.
  13. Wow! Thanks to everyone! Actually, I believe I have another with the same pattern, but with different colors. When I come across it, I'll post pics.
  14. Is it a Qualifier for a Peltier Midwest Orion's Belt to Have Aventurine?
  15. I was thinking Ravenswood as well because of how tightly wadded the ribbons are. But, I know about the 'yellow thing' with Ravenswood. Someday I'll snag a Solar Flare!
  16. ...to not look past the jewelry area in the thrift shops that you visit. These are definitely the biggest score on peewee Peltier NLR! A Christmas Tree AND a Wolverine? Extremely blessed 😇 !
  17. Yep, the transparent yellow is a Transparent Chrissie! It's beautiful. Another beauty is the Akro tightline corkscrew... the base is a deep red with lavender corkscrew. And the cow is chocolate! 😉
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