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About Stefan

  • Birthday 05/25/1986

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    Handmade Marbles, old and contemporary

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  1. bye bye marbles.... as i wrote before, we got that problem too were i work. The good thing was that we noticed it soon enough. This can get really dangerous. You were happy nothing worse happened. Can the kiln be repaired?
  2. Wow, those colors! Great!
  3. But Ortodox Christmas is also 2 weeks later... so i guess the days between Easter and Christmas stay more or less the same
  4. So those are Cateyes? I always thought those count as Sparkler too.... they look like these
  5. Just got this I have some more of those Euro Sparklers, but with this bag i now know that those where made in Germany by "VEB Werk für technisches Glas Ilmenau"
  6. I would vote for Steve Maslach too, i think i saw this design before...look here. http://www.marblebert.biz/inc/sdetail/steve_maslach_7_8__orange_open_core_latticino_marble/460/891 But imho those colors look different from what Maslach used...
  7. I got to page 40, then i started crying
  8. Looks like a lot of hard word and also a lot of fun at the same time I would try it!
  9. I never knew that the Scorpions are famous in America^^
  10. Just saw this on the German Ebay. Do you think its old? Never saw one like that before http://www.ebay.de/itm/371037086493?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  11. I find those a lot here in Germany, especially together with euro sparklers and wirepulls... Dont know if that helps
  12. Can you help me with the topic where the talk about the english colors was?
  13. .... i call it rainbow latticino It has seven outer bands in different colors.... never saw one like that before. The orange band ends a little bit below the pontil, the green band is a little deeper in the marble, also the rose band which is below the orange-red one.... additionally, it got very thin and barely visible bands above the blue band.... looks like someone made some marbles from leftovers
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