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Everything posted by eggie

  1. 3 boxes with 10 Veiligglas marbles (from my own collection) Landy detergent advertising from the 1950's This detergent product was new, acording to a newspaper article, in 1952 The box says "stuiters" , that will be 1 inch but the marbles are 16+ - 17+ mm. Every box has 3 white, 3 brown, 3 blue and one opaque marble One box has 1 a Cat Eye (maby not original)
  2. In the last video from Stephan Barr they said that Vacor started 1970. Here are my bags
  3. see video stephan bar Veiligglas
  4. I also have Vacor net bags, see a little part of my collection
  5. It is a pity that Vacor makes old marbles again in a different packaging and or with a different name. The Red devils in the early 90's I think are the same as the cyberlitch (available now). This makes it difficult to separate the old from the new. see: https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B09LMSPDF9?ie=UTF8&tag=meilleu-21&camp=1642&linkCode=xm2&creativeASIN=B09LMSPDF9
  6. No VG swirl, probaly china modern marble
  7. Thanks and that for 1 Euro
  8. Nice and thanks, i have one for 2 years now and i never knew what it exactly is (only that it are helmet marbles from vitro). I found this one on a Flea market in the Netherlands. With Helmet patches 😀
  9. Ok, thanx, it is for me very hard to get such nice pictures you showed. I need a better camera.
  10. Thanx, these transparant marbles in the jar are in less spectaculair and often lower quality The better ones i keep apart
  11. I think de bag with the paper label with the kids is harder to find and a little bit older. And i think both packages are from the 1960's... Probaly veiligglas had a lot of stock sold and it can take years to sell these
  12. 2x 6 pieces: 21,9-23,5 mm 1x 20 pieces: 15,80-17,15 mm Unfortunately no labels And my 600 marbles Veilligglas / wirepulls jar
  13. 0,65 inch 16,52 mm I think old but maby modern?
  14. I never saw this before, it's in my collection Does anybody see this before? A JC marble with a Latt. core inside. The core has at least 4 differnet colours (maby 5 or 6 but hard to see) 20 mm NM
  15. Hi Ther, I found this small box with 4 of 1/2 inch Japanese transitional marbles inside from Codeg. Size = 6,2 x 1,5 cm II want to share it with all of you
  16. The rest of my opaques (one is more trans.) and a few are more swirly then stripd
  17. Yes, It can take some time but i will Yes but It can take soms time. Bush now
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