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Everything posted by Mattshaw1953

  1. Hey where did you pull the image from the thread "messed up marbles" number 4 looks a good match for this one in a messed up kind of way!
  2. The yellow one on the O/P looks like one which I have listed on ebay at the moment. The colours are a match,with mica too!
  3. Maybe it was fired and then the glaze removed into a pattern before cooling. But then you'd expect to see loads of these similar? I'm sure someone will know.
  4. Yes that's what I initially thought,but it appears to be a glaze which has been fired. It does appear a deliberate pattern.
  5. Hi Steph,it is a bit odd,do you think it's a Bennington?,most seem to have random patterns,if any at all? What's you're thoughts on the other?
  6. Hi everyone,I acquired a small collection recently,there were a few Benningtons in there,but is this just some kind of freaky Bennington?,it looks like a deliberate decoration,almost like peeling an orange and leaving half the skin on? It's mint,there seems to be no damage at all.
  7. Ah thanks,I did see a similar pair not too long ago which instead of the light blue,had a darker blue.They did really well,even with a big fracture in one.They were UK sold aswell. I guess to the U.S Only time will tell.
  8. All in great condition,ebay auction starts 20:35 UK time on WED 26th,cheers. Matt. Ps,7/8"ish. Ebay ID:mattshaw1953 Edit:-starts Thur 27th
  9. Thanks for you're input Bob,valmontazur has a listing at the moment,which includes a couple of nice onionskins,sadly the nicer one has damage.This is the guy I acquired 9 onionskins from,maybe they are from the same set?
  10. Thanks Steph for the ebay link,much appreciated.I can't believe how helpful you all are.
  11. Not sure what you mean?,which second image?,the one on here or the listing? I'm far from an expert,so I can't really answer you're question,sorry.
  12. Hi all,yes I believe it's old.The listing starts around 20:35 UK time,Antique marbles should bring it up. My ebay ID is mattshaw1953.
  13. No problem I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.
  14. Yes it does,but I've made contact with a couple of people who may help,not that all of you haven't , I appreciate all the input.
  15. It's like a pin or something has been pulled through the orange/red into the white,it seems deliberate,I will see if I can upload a pic.
  16. Hi,no sorry I think it is clay or china but not sure,it does appear to have age to it.
  17. Hi steph,I've just uploaded another image and they seem to be opening now,what's you're thoughts?cheers,Matt.
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