Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let people know that I have a few auctions running on ebay this week. I recently acquired the collection of a retired marble dealer and am starting to get it organized to sell some of it off. I will be adding more every week, but if you are looking for any marbles, please let me know and I can see if I have them. I am not by any means a marble expert so the only auctions I have up are marbles that were labeled by the previous owner. Given the great deal I got on these, all prices will be reasonable, and I will be starting a lot of the auctions at 2.99 with free shipping or 0.99 + shipping. This week I have:
Morton Salt Peltier Mesh Bag
Akro Agate Blue Oxblood
Tower Root Beer Promotional Bag
Coca Cola Corkscrew Shooter Promo Bag
6 Marble King Wasps
15 Brown Benningtons of various sizes
3 Peltier Peerless Patch
An undyed natural agate banded(Bullseye) 11/16"
and more. Check out the link in my signature, and feel free to contact me with questions.