#1...Unbelievable heavy color combo
#2 ...Never seen in mib books
#3 ...Never seen at shows
#4 ...Been collecting over 35 years
#5 ...Always looking for those exact heavier color combos in chrissys and hand mades
#6 ...Could be that mib has been retired and never seen light of day... UNTIL NOW ...possibly,but highly unlikely... If B.E. had ever had this mib in hand,you could make book that it would have been bought,shot,and in a book years ago...or...in Morphys auction with the prices they get,not the bay,and not at that starting price,especially with a 3/4 (once in lifetime mib) also with it on the bay
#7 ... Orange Peel,Orange Peel, Orange Peel
#8 ...
You call it,as you see it