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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. I see some of the Christensens had a look similar to this. I'm not holding my breath but this one measures at about 11/16".. Any ideas?
  2. I sure was hoping it was a Champion Ric. But I knew I had to ask the experts before I pinned a name on it. Mike
  3. I see you do know the background for this fellows claim. I wondered if the whole thing was a scam but I see he has 100% good feedback so I bought with confidence. Yep, he did say in his description that he bought the factory at auction so you are right on. SO........., is this guy going on the property he doesn't own and recovering marbles that are not his, then selling to people like me that don't know any better? ?????? Mike
  4. Trying a guess here. I got one decent picture and the others are out of focus. I hope y'all can see it well enough to help me. Is this a Champion?
  5. Hello all, cruising on the bay, I see a fellow that says he bought the old Alley Marble Factory and the Champion warehouse years ago at auction. Maybe y'all know who this is. Anyway, I got myself a few Champions. Not too bad I guess but I am wondering if anyone can say by looking at them what year they were made? Weren't the last Champions made about 2000? Anyway, here they are.
  6. Thanks Steph...... I just ordered this one for starters. Mike
  7. YEP..... LOL.... That is what I would call severe overload Al... LOL .... But thanks for the list. Maybe I will get one for starters and just ask questions to boot. I want lots of pics so I am leaning toward the "American Machine-Made Marbles" book. Mike
  8. Thanks Steph... Those 11 year olds need your help and guidance while you can give it (and they will accept it). Dang, leave it to photobucket to mess up a good thing. Yes, I would love to see your Heaton that looks similar to my marble. Mike I need to study some more in your study hall area.......
  9. Hello all, I was wondering if someone could recommend a good marble identification book? I keep seeing the name Michael Johnson thrown out there as a book author. Does he have a general I.D. book? I like to get feedback when I ask for marble I.D. and everyone here has been great. I just don't want to wear out my welcome asking so many questions. Mike
  10. Out of curiosity, anyone have a Heaton example? Do you Steph? This Heaton thing has my Curiosity piqued. Mike
  11. Thanks for that comment concerning "contemporary"..., I was hoping I had that correct. I suppose the "cavity lines" in the glass are characteristic of a machine made. Mike
  12. Would the Alley label be applied to this marble due to the color of the secondary glass or maybe the pattern? Mike
  13. OK.... Let's see.... I figured it was a patch. When y'all arrived at Akro, is there a feature that says "Akro"? I notice also that y'all are giving it another category called 'moss agate".... Is there a "run" or "set" of marbles that were produced by Akro with this particular base glass and then another color for the patch? Sorry to be so bothersome but I am trying to learn something. Maybe one day I can put names to marbles....LOL. Mike
  14. Here is another red and white swirl. Could this be a Ravenswood? (Just a guess, I have no idea what I am talking about.) Anyway, I have some other colors that have these thin swirls. I have been told some are Ravenswood. So, what say ye? It measures 9/16"....
  15. I really like this little guy. He has a perfect little helmet on. Or if you prefer, a nice perfect haircut to his yellow hair. Anyway, looking at the base glass color, it looks sort of lemonade color. Who made this little guy? He measures 5/8"...
  16. Here is one more sort of decent pic. I am having a hard time getting decent pics with my phone.
  17. Thanks so much Steph. I need to keep these things in mind so when I have other marbles that are similar then maybe I can put a name to those. (notice I said MAYBE....LOL) Mike
  18. Forgot sizes.... #1 = 5/8", #2 = 21/32" (just over 5/8"), #3 = slightly less than 5/8".... about 39/64" SO, all 3 are different sizes.
  19. Wedding cake cousins..... LOL... Anyway, Vitro so I can put those with my other Vitros. Thanks for the I.D. y'all. Mike
  20. Thanks! I was sort of keying on the colors.... Maybe I am learning something.... LOL. Mike
  21. Dang... I can see now that all ambers are not created equal. Are yall looking at the secondary glass to get an I.D.? Just fishing for a little discussion to help me understand. I see that the secondary glass in #1 is thinner than the secondary glass in #2. Mike
  22. I will probably always have a hard time with marble I.D. I just pick 'em because I like 'em. This one measures 1/2". Is it a Champion? Mike
  23. Marble #3 = 39/64" just under 5/8" Different maker??? This one has a red band along side the white.
  24. I have a bunch of amber marbles and I need some help with who made them. Are they all the same maker? Marble#1 = 5/8".....
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