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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. I love the swirls (of course) so I added this one to my collection from the antique store. Who made it? Also, can you say why you arrived at your determination? I need to learn a little more about how to identify makers.
  2. Here is a few more pics (from my phone). I re-measured them and the size comes up right at 3/4"......
  3. I'm not sure what the characteristics of the Wedding Cakes would be but I do see a few pictures on google images that look like my marbles. Some of the pictures look like they have another "outline" of whiter glass around the color patch.....??? Mike
  4. Thanks Al.... I finally got one right....LOL. Mike
  5. Well, I am taking a stab at identification here. I am saying Vitro since there is a definite "V" on 3 of these. The base glass on all 5 look identical so maybe you can tell me about the secondary glass. Sorry, the pics aren't all that good. I took these pics with my phone. They measure about 5/8". Mike
  6. WOW.... what a real mind boggling bunch of beauty! I'm speechless..... That is an amazing collection. It would take me MANY DAYS to go thru that many marbles. Too much input.... shut-down is imminent.... continue with caution.... And again I say..... WOW. Mike
  7. LOL Steph..... So many marbles, so little money (and time)....
  8. Champions are probably tops on my list. I love the furnaces. (Can't beat a good furnace....LOL) Mike
  9. I am 61 so my marble playing years were in the 1960's. The common marbles at Woolworth ( in Meridian, Mississippi) was the cats eye marbles in a net bag. We played a good bit in the neighborhood but there was an occasional game with kids from another neighborhood. I do remember my first "out of neighborhood" game is where I was introduced to "steelies". One kid whose dad worked at a big truck garage gave his son some big ball bearings. Needless to say, we hated to see that kid knuckle down. Yep, I lost my marbles and I have been looking for them ever since that time....... Mike
  10. Yep, I just like the colors. I think I will put it out for everyone to see. If the grand kids get it, well... Maybe they will enjoy it for a while too. Mike Toe breaker..... fitting name...
  11. Ah ha! Asia.... Thanks for the I.D. on this one. Dang.... Is nothing sacred anymore? I thought I had something with the little pontil but noooooo. And yep, those are dead ringers in that bag for walmart... Mike
  12. Here is the other one I just got. Since the word on the other 2 was Vacor, what about this one? 7/8" and it sure looks like a pontil or something of the sort on the bottom. What say ye? Mike
  13. Thanks for that assessment Steph. I have a hard time putting marbles into the "makers" categories. I guess I just buy what I like to look at....LOL. Mike
  14. Yep, I don't really like the "big 'uns" but I couldn't resist. Modern Vacors... well, not bad. I like that whisp in the glass. These will have to go on a stand in a conspicuous spot. I want others to enjoy them too.
  15. Here is another I just really liked the colors. I had to get it. This one is right at 2".... a whopper! Contemporary or vintage?
  16. I just picked this one up because I just love the colors. It measures about 1". Do you think contemporary or maybe vintage? Any ideas of the maker?
  17. Thanks for the ID Ann. The batch I got had some white to blue transitions and this one is Red, White and Blue.
  18. And then this one cleaned up pretty nice.... Oxblood?
  19. There is several of these on the batch. Some change from blue to green.
  20. I just got a batch of marbles from the antique store. Is this a catseye??? I guess I have never seen one where the vanes fade from one color to another. From yellow to orange...
  21. Do you (or anyone else) have an email address for Leroy? I would like to send him a picture of the marble and get a cost estimate from him. Thanks!
  22. Sorry if I put this in the wrong forum but I just wanted to get some views on this subject. Who repairs marbles and how do I get in touch with them? I just got this sick sulfide that needs to go to the doctor. I can't even tell what is inside. Thanks everyone. Mikie
  23. I almost forgot this little guy (sorry little fella). It measures in at .470.
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